IRL PICS! (if you want to)

I figure the first pic I posted didn't do that much justice (albeit funny-looking), so this time i'll post three:

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this was taken a couple years ago, when I still had reddish orange hair. and No, this was not shooped.

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an even sillier picture... sometimes I tinker around with special effects using skin-toned liquid latex. more on that later...

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and finally a normal picture.
I was quickly scrolling down the page, and first came upon the second picture...


Then I saw the final image, and realized who posted it;

"d'awwww <3"
You've reached your pinnacle my friend, I HAVE COME TO DETHRONE YOU IN THE MOST EROTIC OF WAYS.
>post-like ratio
Factor in whore-ing for likes and I believe that makes you legally handicapped.

Here have some valium.
Ah, but that's where the followers come into play, they wouldn't follow a like whore. Also, everyone knows I often make awesome OC.

And so this isn't de-railing anymore,
Then lets us have a competition!

It shall be the swag battle of the century!

Who shall win, Beese or Projecto! Lets see what Team9000 have to say!

BREAKING NEWS: It's not really breaking.... More.... obvious, really.

Beese won 20 years ago.