Is this some kind of sick joke.


Active Member
I come online to find this, accidentally clicking on the play button, i cannot stop it playing.


Why would you do this too us, so we must suffer.


AquaTwig out~
If it makes your head dizzy like me, just do a local over-ride on the theme and delete "@-webkit-keyframes" and everything after.

Adding a class on load never killed anyone.
( also this assumes noone is going to be on the t9k homepage for 8333.33333 hours )

That requires you to define rotation speed in rotations per arbitrary time unit, DOES require javascript, and makes it more complicated to use other animations. I'll give you brownie points for it, but it's not beating keyframes :p
That requires you to define rotation speed in rotations per arbitrary time unit, DOES require javascript, and makes it more complicated to use other animations. I'll give you brownie points for it, but it's not beating keyframes :p
haha fair enough, though i doubt that we're going to start using French decimal minutes anytime soon; let alone have them added to the spec hahaha

You're definitely right that in case you wanted to combine complex animation sequences this would get ridiculously out of hand, however i don't like that you have you need to define keyframes for animations that only have one 'frame'.

I'll take my brownie points thoughm:D