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New Member
Yep, I've barely got the Cool- rank, now I'm here to get the builder rank!
I will be posting more buildings and stuff, I hope I will be a builder soon!

P.S. Both the cinema and the cafetaria are underground, you can get there by finding the entrance (just on the surface, not underground or something) and then just take the water elevator to the underground, then walk a bit and take another water elevator up to the cinema again :O


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Keep up the great work J_Ulie :)
Just remember to keep submitting your creations to this thread for review, help others if you can, report grief if you can, get to know the other members of Team9000 but most of all, just try and have fun :)

Also, I'll remember to bring some popcorn next time :D
You might bring some friends then! And by the way, then you first have to find the cinema, cos it's hidden! muahahaha
Me and Asbestospants made an underground bowling alley.
This is the result:


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asbestospants and gamermanac wanted to build a huge colosseum. They asked me if I could join and I did.
The floor editings are made by gamermanac, the structure is made by all 3 of us and the bows were mostly made by me and pants. The cabins were also made by gamermanac, so is the huge trophee with water in it :p
Together I think I made like 35 out of 46 bows (the other 11 are made by pants) and a lot of structure work
Hope you guys like it


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After it was finished we made like 8 people come to see it and we did some SPLEEF!


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Very nice, love the colosseum! We still need to see a bit more from you though, so keep up the great work!
I tried to build a lamborghini, but then it turned out to be a yellow van!
Also i made a cinema inside with flying seats, 2 chairs with seatbelts and a steering wheel and some brakes ;o


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    yellow van steering wheel, seats, seatbells and brakes.png
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Gamermanac asked me if I wanted to build something with him. I said yes and together we built a huge mansion.
I did all the interior and made the garden and beach look nice and Gamermanac made the structure and the roof of the house.
All by all it turned out pretty nice :)


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    mansion with cinema and cola and popcorn behind it! 7.png
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