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Just wondering...


hi all

i dont THINK this counts but if i told you guys everything i helped with then would that speed up my promo from builder to engi?

if so then i will use this thread for that purpose and all other builder+ are welcome to do so as well.

When the admins feel like you deserve to be promoted from [color= cyan]Builder[/color] to [color= blue]Engineer[/color], they will promote you. As of right now, I don't know if [color= blue]Engineers[/color] are in high demand or not. Especially lately, I've noticed a lot of the admins have been getting online a lot more. So like I said, [color= blue]Engineers[/color] probably aren't in demand right now so you might not see any new ones for awhile.
cool amer. thats great!! jrl i know that i need to be ranked by trust but admins are not online daily so... this thread might help me (if im aloud to do this). best of luck to you too jrl.
cool amer. thats great!! jrl i know that i need to be ranked by trust but admins are not online daily so... this thread might help me (if im aloud to do this). best of luck to you too jrl.
I guess you get online at a different time than me. When I'm usually online, I do see several admins online over the course of my time being online. Even though I'm sure it would be nice to beable to kick griefers, you shouldn't focus on always trying to get the next rank. Instead, just have fun and build awesome builds and socialize with other players. Minecraft isn't about ranks, the ranks are there to help maintain the server so we all can enjoy it. So just don't worry about getting to the next rank after you hit builder and just have fun!
Admins promote you to the Engineer rank when they think you can handle it and whatnot, no use in asking for it. It won't make them consider you for a promotion at all. Just play the game and whether you get promoted or not shouldn't factor into how much you play the game, just have fun.

That's how I have always thought about it, anyway.
I guess you get online at a different time than me. When I'm usually online, I do see several admins online over the course of my time being online. Even though I'm sure it would be nice to beable to kick griefers, you shouldn't focus on always trying to get the next rank. Instead, just have fun and build awesome builds and socialize with other players. Minecraft isn't about ranks, the ranks are there to help maintain the server so we all can enjoy it. So just don't worry about getting to the next rank after you hit builder and just have fun!
i do socialize and im not too worried but when there are alot of guests on then i like to moderate the path. i often find griefs and i like helping the people who were the victims. as i said i do not focus too much on this but it is still in my mind.

btw have any of you tried the glass maze? it is in front of the chinese pagoda in main. hardest thing ever!! seriously fun though. try it!!
hi all

i dont THINK this counts but if i told you guys everything i helped with then would that speed up my promo from builder to engi?

if so then i will use this thread for that purpose and all other builder+ are welcome to do so as well.

Please look at this Link

Alright, time for your good old uncle janayners to lay down da bidness!
When you are looking to be promoted to engineer or if you really want engineer, you aren't ready for it. If you try and help out all you can just to be promoted that just shows how much you do not really understand about the rank. High ranks are considered more of a job than a rank or perk really. After a while of being a moderator the "feeling" dies down. It is only fun for so long before it becomes super monotonous and boring.

But before I start ranting about ranks let me say this; every builder wants engineer. It's true although most do not want to admit it. It's alright to want to get ranked up but, if you ONLY play on the server and only come on mumble to be promoted than there is a problem.

You don't get engineer based on how much time you spend helping out. It is based on if the higher ups believe that you can handle the responsibility of moderating the server. To become engineer you need to have a good level of maturity and the ability to deal with guests and newbies who don't know what the hell they are doing. Although helping out with grief and other things is a good way to show that you can handle things it is not the only thing they look for when promoting people.

On another note; Classic Minecraft is dying. We all know it and we know Classic will only last for so long from here on out. For the most part I believe that Team9000 really doesn't need any new moderators at the moment. The only time they promote people to engineer+ is when they actually need someone to have that rank. So if you really want to get engineer, just sit back and enjoy the game while it lasts and just hope higher ranks will notice you and maybe promote you. Engineer is more of a rank you sit and wait for, not one you work at.


*EDIT* TL;DR Don't work for engineer. Wait for it.