Killing Floor 2

Now available in early access!

if you don't have me on steam, add me. I am beetledoze, but you may still be able to find me googling blu35p4rr0w. profile pic is a rabbit(much like here it's a deer and my old steam account is a squirrel)

we need to figure out what peoples schedules are like so we can plan these things. you can post free time here or pm me if you don't want the info public, you also have the option of steam messaging. I work mon-fri 12am-530am, so any time from 11pm the night before to 630pm after my shift ends I am unavailable.
That means i have all friday after 6am, all sat, all sunday until 11pm, all other weekdays from 630am-11pm free. This schedule will change when I start going to college again, but I'll still have my weekends free.
My work schedule is Sun-Thur 12pm-8:30pm MT. Its been a while since i've enjoyed some Zed Time, would be up for playing outside of that constraint :D