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Kingvole's National Museum Of Builds.

You should probably finish all your builds before actually posting them, so that way people won't troll and have something to talk about.
i have them all in my minecraft build folder and everytime i try to upload them my page crashes...
yeah this 1s ruined -_-
You should be happy that your thread is receiving a lot of attention because more people are seeing your builds. You are already at the 37th reply while mine remains at the 29th and I constantly have to bump it so it can be seen on the front page. I don't see why the hell you might need a new thread or how it is "ruined".
It's on the 37th reply because of all the reserved space all over the place on the first page.
Ahhh, right. But still, my thread didn't have as many different people looking at it as he did, I think he should appreciate how much traffic it's getting.