Linux Thread


Well-Known Member
Didn't see one of these so I decided to make one for the tens of people that use it!

What distro do y'all use and why did you pick it?

I just transitioned from mint into arch and am liking it so far. The reason I switched was just because I am a control freak and love how I can tailor arch to be anything I want.

Desktop pic:
I have used many distros but the one I currently dual boot with on my laptop is Ubuntu. I was on 13.10, everything was going fine, had everything I needed, and I was actually enjoying it. One key part was that I was using Cinnamon as the DE. When I did an in-place upgrade to Trusty Tahr, shit hit the fan. A lot of packages were broken for the update (this was back in April or so). Cinnamon included. There aren't many desktop environments similar to Cinnamon. After that, I just didn't feel like using it much anymore. I'm afraid to uninstall it because GRUB can't be removed without fucking over booting Windows, so I'll keep it there until I get to fixing it someday.
I've tried Ubuntu, Mint and Crunchbang.
I dislike Ubuntu. Love Mint. Think Crunchbang's okay.

Cinnamon FTW. <3

I tried installing Arch. Got bored and confused.
When my first computer got "struck by lightning", my Grandfather lent us a Ubuntu and it was a love/hate relationship. I felt like it ran much smoother than any Windows operating system I've tried and I enjoyed it. The problem was that I was an idiot when it came to using it. It took me a week to figure out how to install java and that consisted of taking a code from a random website and putting it into the command console so it would download then screaming WHY IS IT SO HARD.