LoL Tourney?

Should we have one?

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redhaze5 said:
Yeah count me in :D

Ok shoot me a PM I'll let you in. A couple questions first. Have you played before? And how competitive are you?

And guys let's not turn this into an image thread, this is serious. Also according to the rules the roster can only be up to 10 people... We might need 2 teams if a lot of people are interested. I'm having my friends join.
rsmv2you said:
Wait, I dont wanna ruin this thread.....Go back on topic instead of trolling, also that picture makes no damn sense. xD, so in response to you random non related topic comment I reply and leave you with this.
im3nuron said:
Ok shoot me a PM I'll let you in. A couple questions first. Have you played before? And how competitive are you?

And guys let's not turn this into an image thread, this is serious. Also according to the rules the roster can only be up to 10 people... We might need 2 teams if a lot of people are interested. I'm having my friends join.

Can I has captain too? I has friends list with peeps who play very gooderer
shadowwolf said:
Can I has captain too? I has friends list with peeps who play very gooderer

I'm not trying to be mean, but learn how to put together a sentence first. And your already on the team,which is lucky because I haven't even seen you play yet.