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longtunnels to spawn (Feone's dome way users only)

Grief answer 1: Surround the track with /cprivate stoves.

Grief answer 2: Lock the doors!

Also, please add me.
The access to the tunnels?

Don't worry about it.... I am about to make my own tunnel that goes from EC to Ozy
I hate to do this, but who are you ? Dont get me wrond, never seen you ingame nor in Dome - maybe different ingame name ?

to ?

also, i will shut down this thread soon, it will no longer function as request space, signs will be used instead
:p sorry, I'm called Italay 91 and I will use the proper way to get a permit
about the furnace thing... uhm enjoy crafting *does some math* about *gives up* over 9000 furnaces. the track to my house alone would require 36 000 of them
yeah problem is even if i do that, what if lwc fails ? what happens when you get dc on cart ? and so on ...
so protection is kinda out of reach, faster and harder bans will win over this solution anyday
yeah problem is even if i do that, what if lwc fails ? what happens when you get dc on cart ? and so on ...
so protection is kinda out of reach, faster and harder bans will win over this solution anyday

Agreed... I did want protection but after seeing the ungriefable house get royaly griefed the other day, im actually likeing it better this way....
truly ungriefable structures combine a vanilla block solution (usually obsidian or some other difficult-to-get-through material), a mod solution (locked furnaces/signs), and a danger solution (walls of lava, cacti, arrow dispensers, etc)
anyway, i have repaired (removing all dirt/gravel) spawn portion of the tunnel, moving all torches up so they are a little harder to knock off, making them with same dilatation between them so it will be easier to check who changed those blocks.
i will also probably add antisuffocation protection for that spawn section only, as that is the one mostly griefed.
You two really needa give me permission to some of the doors, I only have permission for a few and I've been using the tracks for weeks.
Yup, it should be deleted long time ago, but as long as it is here i can spam you with usefull information :D

Zaffierce is original starter (maker) of EC-junction track, big thanks to him. Also i suggest you add some signs to EC station with helpers/donators/builders, just to make it clear.

Door Phantom is talking about are under Feones administration, i dont have power over them.

I would like to buy some iron (5-6 stacks of blocks, not right now, just planning) - dont offer me that for diamonds (as i use that for tools) and gold (rails). I can pay with some less common materials (say obsidian, dark wood, birch wood, mushrooms, flowers, ...) If anyone is interested offer some price.
Donations are welcomed. Those will be very likely used to make all tracks departures/arrivals type (aka double tunnel) so we are not throtled by one long track.

Also i started another project in OL near EP, but it isnt public, so please do not use it or change (mine, add) anyhow.
oh god

1) tunnels are public - means they are accessible without permission needed from EP,Ozy and EC ---- BUT ---- there are protected doors at spawn becouse of griefers

2) if you want access, add sign to EP station - DO NOT GRIEF in (like some persons did), there is no reason for that other than laziness
you moved on foot before, do it again. and do it so until you get permission for that door. i will not rush there again, becouse someone griefed in no reason what. period.
it disrupts my gameplay and really gets on my nerves when there are like zillion sign saying do not do that

3) the private area tunnel has doors on both sides, simply because of same reason as this topic - you cant enter the tunnel unless you get access to both doors or you will get stuck on other side and solution is NOT griefing out, solution is to go the fuck back and ask for permit

4) if you have problems hoping on moving cart to get going, train it before you enter tunnels. i am not going to help someone losing minecart Xth time a night and "sorry g2g" when i am delivering him X+1th minecart to get him out