I've never played WoW, but people say it's a lot better then WoW.
I know from experience that it's way better then Runescape...Other then that I don't have any MMORPG experience. All I can say is that I've been enjoying it.

P.S. You should do what casham does and install a Windows partition
I played WoW, I gotta say, runescape is better, but I love lotr so I bet this is better still. I would install a windows program, but they cost money, I just don't want to spend on something I do not need right now. Perhaps later when I am done with college and have a job.
Meh Runescape isnt all that bad when you know a buncha rich no lifes <.< I personally like the scenery in WoW The Combat system isnt my thing though :s
Meh Runescape isnt all that bad when you know a buncha rich no lifes <.< I personally like the scenery in WoW The Combat system isnt my thing though :s
I like getting everything myself in games. But I agree with your input about WoW.
I don't get why it costs money D: lol
Just make a partition on your hard drive and install windows to it lol. Or run bootcamp?

And I never said Runescape was bad. I got a lvl 69 on there and really enjoyed it...I'm saying LOTRO is better :D And LOTRO's graphics are really good. I was told they are better then WoW graphics.
Who said RS is bad?
WoW graphics are terrible.
It costs money because it is a different company and they don't want you to have their stuff for free. Its all about business sadly.
Yea, thats one of the reasons I hate WoW and there creators...I feel like they only want your money. LOTRO is mostly free. But you need to go VIP to unlock everything...which basically you can do a 1 month $10 trial and everything will be unlocked forever. But the thing is, when you play and do deeds in LOTRO, you get Turbine points which you can spend at the LOTRO store to buy more content to the game...So you can unlock everything, just by playing the game, and it's free.

I was dumb and spent my Turbine points on emotes so now I can't afford more content lol. Luckily, you can create another char on the same server and get Turbine points for that char which is shared. Basicly collect TP( turbine points) on the second character, then delete it, and make another and collect more. ( you can only have 2 chars on 1 server). Eventually you will make enough to unlock all the content for your main.
I don't think you can play WoW for free :P

The only thing I found that I haven't liked about LOTRO, is the weather effects....It's rare but sometimes it will snow/rain/be foggy. The Fog is what I hate. Trying to do things when you can't see 20 feet in front of you sucks lol. But I've only had this once in the past 1 week in-game hours I've played. But I guess they do the weather to be more realistic...

P.S. If anyone decides to play, make sure you choose the Windfola server.
I disagree with your input about wow, the graphics aren't top of the line because it was made like 7 years ago. It's still rather stunning for it's art style though. It costs money because if it was any sort of F2P model with microtransactions they couldn't support the massive cost of actually keeping things running for as many people that play it. You can not like the game, but you can't say that's it terrible because there's millions of people that are still playing that prove that it's a good game.
YAY! I knew I would bring something out of Mal by hating on WoW :). I really do not think it is a bad game, I quite enjoyed it when I played it. It is just too expensive for me right now. Shred, I should have elaborated on that more, I meant that you were correct about the money. Not WoW being free. I actually never said WoW was bad, just said the graphics were.

I think that weather effects are fun in games, they usually add more dynamic to them.
Still waiting for minecraft to get weather that effects the landscape... (rainwater would make tiny streams rivers etc :D) Id like a survival free roam zombie game that was the size of a randomly generated minecraft world with the graphics of WoW.... That would be the end of my life :3
That you could play with an Xbox controller...
Btw, I would want Skyrim graphics... Much better than anything.