personally, i didnt really like wow, the graphics are decent since its pretty old, but i dislike the combat system.

id play lotr, but ive been whoring raging blast 2 for 360, might finish the download later today.
The combat in WoW reminds me of runescape. And as for graphics, it reminds me of the N64.
LOTRO is more like PS2 graphics.
well i kept hearing you and daydreaming talk about it on mumble. I just signed up and downloaded it but it says it is going to take 10 hours to download.
The combat in WoW reminds me of runescape. And as for graphics, it reminds me of the N64.
LOTRO is more like PS2 graphics.


The similarities are where?
I don't get why it costs money D: lol
Just make a partition on your hard drive and install windows to it lol. Or run bootcamp?

And I never said Runescape was bad. I got a lvl 69 on there and really enjoyed it...I'm saying LOTRO is better :D And LOTRO's graphics are really good. I was told they are better then WoW graphics.

well its different graphical style, wow is very simple graphics, but i like it better than lotro, which just looks grey and dull. still a decent game, but i moved on as i found it boring, but this is my opinion :P
Malinax, quit trolling. We all know that that is not an in-game rendering of that character.
And anything mario has the worst graphics ever, don't even compare to that lol.

well its different graphical style, wow is very simple graphics, but i like it better than lotro, which just looks grey and dull. still a decent game, but i moved on as i found it boring, but this is my opinion :p

WoW is like a cartoon. LoTRO is more realism based. We all know real life sucks. Yes, you may find it boring, this is why the majority that play the game are over 25 years old. Older people with more patience. ;]
Rs and WoW have very different combat. The graphics are also different. Mal, that is art, not ig ;). I also wish to get a windows and play lotro. This post is full of periods.