

Well-Known Member
Magicka is an epic game capable of "co-op" multiplayer where you mix elements to create different effects. I say "co-op" because friendly fire is ALWAYS on, and blowing each other up is a main aspect of the game. The story mode is fun stuff, and they have an arena mode where you fight waves of monsters and rack up points.

Turns out the company wants to do more and they are making a dlc(expansion? I don't know details are light) And it has nothing to do with a fantasy setting.

I suggest giving the game a shot, there's a demo on steam that I think gives you enough of an opinion of the game to warrant a buy or pass, so gogogo.
Got the game. It's really good and you will have a lot of laughs if you try out co-op. Sadly it's a little buggy but totally worth the cheap $10 it costs.

The expansion looks awesome!
Got the game. It's really good and you will have a lot of laughs if you try out co-op. Sadly it's a little buggy but totally worth the cheap $10 it costs.

The expansion looks awesome!
The bugs add to the rage. It's good stuff and they got most of the terrible bugs out of the game with their first patch.
I was actually thinking of buying it, since I've watched some videos about it and it looked good, plus it has the co-op feature :D
Bird Bird Bird Bird is the word, oh don't you know about the bird? Suuurrrffffiiinnn Bbbbiiirrrddddd gggguuublllaahhoooofffllaaggmmshie. Oh Bird Bird Bird is the word.
This is the last place I would expect to find this song... Very cool though!
This is the last place I would expect to find this song... Very cool though!
The devs of magicka are an interesting few people :confused: Watched a live stream of them playing and talking about it, and I understand now why anyone would ever do something like vietnam xD
Magicka? I freaking love that game!!!
Played it in co-op with a friend, we killed each other more then the enemies. We both wanted the m60 :D
You should use skype while playing it, got stomache ace by laughing. Still hurts a bit :3
Magicka? I freaking love that game!!!
Played it in co-op with a friend, we killed each other more then the enemies. We both wanted the m60 :D
You should use skype while playing it, got stomache ace by laughing. Still hurts a bit :3
I steam voice chat with my friend and his college buddies when we play, it's semi-decent quality.