Maybe bringing back my blog Annoying Enemies in Gaming


Well-Known Member
I got bored today and went through some of my old blogs, namely the Annoying Enemies in Gaming series. I really miss doing that, and I thought that, now that I have some more game experience and rage under my belt, I could try to resurrect the blog. However, I may have to alter some of the old groupings and remove some restrictions if I cannot find very annoying enemies (Allowing minibosses, bosses, and non-living things. I'd rather avoid this, as they aren't really enemies, but I may have to resort to this.)

You may be thinking "Cheese, there are literally hundreds of enemies I would like to punch in the face daily! Why not do [INSERT ENEMY HERE]!?" Well, I like to give you something entertaining,but accurate. So I only do games that I have played before (Nothing beats firsthand experience. Videos don't do this justice) and I try to avoid using the same franchise for the most part (Just to get some space between enemies so that I can broaden the horizons of readers.)

If you have any ideas for enemies I could use, let me know. I know in my last one I said I was going to do League of Legends Turrets, but, as I think you will all agree, a turret isn't really an enemy. It's a static tower (this goes in a sub category I specify for sentries, such as Clash of Clans towers, any tower defense tower, or any weapon that is static that fires upon enemies whilst unmanned.) I will not do games I haven't played, but I may play a game to research an enemy later. I also am trying to think of something BIG for the return, if any ideas come to mind.

For those unfamiliar with the series, here's season 1 (I will try to update the [spoiler.]s to the other one once I remember what it was):

Episode 1-Creepers (Minecraft)
Episode 2-Leapers (Resistance Series)
Episode 3-Lakitus (Mario Series)
Episode 4-Wild Zubats (Pokemon Series)
Episode 5 BOSS SPECIAL- The Hag 1 (Banjo Tooie)
Episode 6-Stalkers (Borderlands 2)
Episode 7-Darknuts (Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess)
Episode 8-The Lucky Mink (Grandia III)
Episode 9-SCP 173 (SCP: Containment Breach)
Episode 10 CITY SPECIAL-New Sheoth (The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
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