Member Rankings


So yeah... How do I rank up in the forums? It goes like this, right?
New Member --> Member --> Active Member --> Well-known Member

Is it determined by the messages? Or something else?
Belive purely by Post Count - with the exception of those who are Pro+ rank in Minecraft Classic, who get the title of Minecraft Admin since we handle the promotions.
I believe being on Mumble is also a great way to go up in the ranks, but I'm not sure since I haven't used it yet...
Belive purely by Post Count - with the exception of those who are Pro+ rank in Minecraft Classic, who get the title of Minecraft Admin since we handle the promotions.

Yeah, but there are other names too... But I think they are just special names for the people who were on Team9k before there even was a Minecraft server, like Zac (whose title is 'Board Game Pimp') and Hecate.
Okay, If it is post count,
How come "Vorsprung" who is an "Active Member" only have 463 Messages,
While "CaptainGinyu" who is a "Member" have 527 Messages...

thus the name active member,
i believe it is purely based on a system of how often you post considering the title is "active" not "post 500 msgs then go neutral"
also i really dont get the big whoop about it.
*massages active member rank* were saying?
Well, it's clear once you read the tab up top about post counts, and forums ranks. Here's a diagram to help you understand:
