Message to the Devs at PAX East 2013


Well-Known Member
Heya to all you devs who took your time to chat a bit with our rambunctious bunch of T9k'ers. Just a fond thank you for the awesome conversations and a look into some of the new games to look forward to on the market.

It was really great seeing some of the new games that are being developed by small game companies of ~3 people who spent several all-nighters to push a quality game to market, you great sirs and ladies are the inspiration for younger game generations to go into the game industry and show that dreams can become reality with a little bit of hard work.

I wish all of you good luck with meeting your launch dates and I hope to enjoy many a games that were absolutely beautiful on the PAX floor :).

P.S. As organizer for our T9k Game Nights I would like to extend a hand to any of the devs who would be interested in featuring any alpha/beta tests as a game night, we have an extensive group of 'qualified' beta testers who have given well to do feedback on a multitude of games. Just PM me here and I'll be more then happy to check our schedule.

Ramsey aka
A message to the Dev from the Neverwinter Nights Booth,

Seriously? That beta key was for last weekend. It was already Saturday, and I was wearing a 3 day. CLEARLY I wasn't going to use it.

Can I have a replacement?

A Message to Crane,



PS I have keys for the last of the beta events, will disperse when time.
i would like some very much yes.