MightyMole is new !


New Member

Thought i should say hello and ask a few questions i cant seem to find the answer to, on my own. My name is Heath, i'm 27 and i am from Oklahoma. I just found MineCraft but i have found playing alone is good practice but can be boring and there's nobody to show my cool stuff to, so first i was wondering if you guys have a private server i could apply to maybe, and second the public servers you do have, do i just pick myself a spot in there and start building ?

MightyMole !
howdy heath. first off, theres not really a private server. But there are rank specific worlds within the server, where you don't have to worry about your stuff being destroyed. In order to get a rank you gotta build something within one of the guest worlds and have an admin look at (they're usually busy, so post a screen shot of what you build in the credits thread). Pick a spot that isn't being used (I suggest as far away from the spawn as possible)an remember to report anyone who is trying to destroy your stuff (aka griefing).

good luck, have fun! :)
Oh, Oklahoma! That's where I'm from!

BTW, welcome and good luck! Well, when the server goes back up, anyway...
Welcome! Hope you enjoy the server, if you need any pointers give me a shout in-game or throw me a PM :).

Happy building :D