MikeyMagic-Wait Who?


Hi I'm t7seven7t and I remember you from such activities as Casham is a Coconut, Inappropriate Films 101, and other fun mumble discussions.
shadowwolf5552 said:
arrested, dont you mean getting a ticket?
or what happened?

In australia getting arrested simply means you are stopped and questioned etc, then through whatever they issue warnings (if you are a minor)

Where you from ma child?
TheXraptor said:
The kind of bad where everyone will look at you and stare in disbelief. Just.......horrible bad.

Idunno , I say horrible things every couple of minutes;
Of the top of my head though, this was pretty bad:

I said "your parents dont even love you" to an orphan,
In australia getting arrested simply means you are stopped and questioned etc, then through whatever they issue warnings (if you are a minor)

Yeah, in Australia they don't really care what you've done. If you've got beer, it's O.K.