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Minecraft 1.8 Snapshot Reviews


Well-Known Member
So we used to have this thing where someone would review the upcoming versions of minecraft, covering all sorts of wonderful things to come, while we waited for woot to update the server. I've decided to cover the new snapshots as they're released. All information as it comes to me will be added to the first post. So, let's get started!

As of 14w04a, these are the added/changed features:

1) New blocks!


These blocks are new to 1.8, and none of them require new terrain to be generated to acquire them - only to generate them naturally.
From left to right,
Granite: Found underground in large veins, exposed to the surface most commonly in Extreme Hills biomes, or around the edges of lava pools, this block is reddish-brown in colour and similar in texture to cobblestone. It can also be crafted from Diorite and Nether Quartz Dust. It can be used to craft stone slabs, as can all of the new stone types - no confirmation that it will be given its own slab/stair type.
Polished Granite: Crafted from 4 Granite (results in 4 Polished Granite), this block has a colour similar to Granite, and a texture similar to the top of a Stone half-slab.
Diorite: Found naturally anywhere Granite is. Can also be crafted from two Cobblestone and two Nether Quartz Dust (results in 2 Diorite). Has a lighter, almost white colour compared to Cobblestone, and has a similar texture.
Polished Diorite: Crafted from 4 Diorite (results in 4 Polished Diorite), this block is similar in texture to Polished Granite, with the same colour scheme as Diorite.
Andesite: Found naturally anywhere Granite is. Can also be crafted from a Cobblestone and a Diorite (results in 1 Andesite), this block has a colour in-between Cobblestone and Diorite, with a texture similar to Cobblestone.
Polished Andesite: Crafted from 4 Andesite (results in 4 Polished Andesite), this block is similar in texture to Polished Granite, with the same colour scheme as Andesite
Slime Block: Similar to Redstone Blocks, Lapis Lazuli Blocks, Iron Blocks, etc; this block is mainly used as a storage block for those of us who have too many slimeballs. However, when placed in the world, it has a few interesting effects. First, and most importantly, it negates fall damage. From any height. Second, players and mobs falling onto it will bounce back to a slightly lower height (similar to dropping a heavy ball on a trampoline). Lastly, it lowers the speed of players and mobs by a greater amount than Soul Sand, without having the reduced height of the block. The block looks almost like a slime, with a transparent outer layer, and a solid inner core.
2) New Enchanting Mechanics





As you can see from the above screenshots, enchanting has taken on a very different look. It now only requires 3 levels for a max-level enchant...but it also requires 3 lapis dust. It also gives you a preview of one of the possible enchants. CORRECTION: You still need to HAVE 30 levels for a level 30 enchant, it just only takes away 3.[/collapse]
3) New Repairing Mechanics


As should be obvious from the above screenshots, repairing has also been dramatically reduced in cost. It now only costs 1 level for every 25% repair of the durability of a tool or weapon, and it only costs 1 level to rename a tool or weapon.
4) Doors stack now. Yup. It's a thing. Also, the crafting recipe gives 3 doors now.
5) Stonebrick Recipes

You can now craft mossy stonebrick with a vine and a stonebrick block. Useful for a block with limited availability.

You can now craft chiseled stonebrick with two stonebrick slabs. Also useful for a block with extremely limited availability. [/collapse]
6) Villager trading was updated so that the nbt tags of the item are checked, instead of just the id. You can't trade an almost broken pickaxe for a new enchanted one, for example.

7) There are a few new visual options in the Super Secret Settings. I encourage you all to play with that and find out for yourselves.

8) Villagers will not breed unless they have been traded with. The first trade (to clarify, this is not the first trade slot, but the first trade you ever do with a fresh villager) gives a 100% chance of changing the Villager NBT data "willing" from false to true. Any trade beyond that lowers the chance of turning the "willing" tag from false to true to 20%. [collapse]FUCK YOU DINNERBONE. Conveniently, this ALSO makes large numbers of villagers even more laggy, and villages in close proximity to each other will cause many servers to lag out. TangoTek has stated that this essentially makes the Iron Trench and Iron Foundry next to impossible to use practically on all but the best machines - and unlikely to work on most servers, as the lag will prevent the proper separation of villages.
If this is not removed before 1.8, regardless of all the wonderful improvements to minecraft, I will stop playing again, exactly as I did when Dinnerbone "fixed" obsidian generators. This is absolute horseshit. Instead of doing things the community has asked for, like, oh, I don't know, implementing the Cubic Chunks Mod; they're doing things like this that nobody wants. Especially not people like me, who love the current villager mechanics and use redstone and various other mechanics to manipulate them.[/collapse]
9) When a furnace runs out of fuel, instead of resetting the smelting process, it pauses, and resumes wherever the process left off when more fuel is added.

10) Villager trading now gives EXP. If a trade does not alter the "willing" tag, 3-6 EXP is given. If it does, 8-11 EXP is dropped.

11) Boats now break if they fall more than 3 blocks onto a solid surface.

12) Lots of new commands and commandblock possibilities. Seriously, I'm not gonna list them all here, there's far too many.

13) Adventure mode now only shows hitboxes on blocks if you can interact with them - which, for the most part, you can't unless the map maker gives you a tool specifically designed to let you do so.

14) Carrots and Baked Potatoes restore half a drumstick less hunger than before.

15) Baby animals can be forced to grow faster if fed the correct food (random chance of growth).

16) /clone and /fill commands. These basically work like severely nerfed versions of WorldEdit - nowhere near as powerful or efficient, only people who aren't serious about doing world-editing will actually use these. Maximum 4096 blocks changed with each (rsmv and scooterboo will laugh at that number; remember when we used to change 5 million+ in one action?).

17) Gamerule logAdminCommands. Basically turns off the console logging of admin commands (commandblock or user input).

18) New skin format, basically took the "hat" layer of the head and put it on every part of the body. Right and left arms are now independently editable. Old skins still work, but don't have the new features. They are now 64x64, new skins work in old versions as well. Custom capes are broken now, hopefully a fix will be incoming from modders. Also you can toggle your hat, sleeves, pants, shoes, and jacket independently from in-game.

19) Player heads (decorative) are no longer the base layer only. Those of us who use multiple layers on their heads now have working player heads.

20) F3+H now shows internal name of the item under the tooltip for use in commands.

21) NBT data in commands now use block/item names in place of numerical IDs. The old IDs still work for now, but soon they won't. Commands like /give require the name now, numbers won't work.

22) /tp now supports rotation arguments (ie. /tp TheGurw 25 25 25 50 30 would teleport me to 25x,25y,25z with my character facing 50 degrees to the right and 30 degrees down).

23) Cubic target selectors (@e, for example).

24) Newly-generated Desert Temples spawn with Stained Clay instead of that dorky looking wool.

25) Villages now spawn with cobble under the gravel paths.

26) Villagers struck by lightning become Witches.

27) Cleric no longer buys Ender Pearls (damnit, Dinnerbone!)


29) /particle. Spawns particles in a given area or attached to entities.

30) Item Frames can now rotate items by 45 degrees instead of 90 (8 angles). They also give of a signal detectable by comparators, strength from 0-8, based on rotating the item inside. Makes for a clever new way to make secret doors and combination locks for doors.

31) Villagers will now harvest, collect, and replant grown potatoes, wheat, and carrots. With careful design, it's possible to abuse the tick timing to occasionally snag some of the drops from the villagers, allowing for fully automatic farms.

32) Doors are now added to the closest village. Iron farms won't break, but this will change them just enough to make the pretty much useless. It's going to be more efficient to mine iron.

33) You can use dispensers to place the heads of withers and golems (snow and iron).

34) Dead bushes can catch on fire.

35) Buttons can now be placed on ceiling and floor sides of blocks.

36) Crosshairs in the F3 Debug screen now turn into a 3D XYZ axis hair with colours representing each axis (red for pos.X, green for pos.Y, blue for pos.Z).

If anyone notices something that I've missed, please respond to the thread and let me know! I'll update the first post as needed with new/altered information.
6) Villager trading has been updated. I haven't had a chance to figure out exactly what's changed about it so far, so if any of you can help me out with this, please reply to this thread.
Villager trading was updated so that the nbt tags of the item are checked, instead of just the id. You can't trade an almost broken pickaxe for a new enchanted one, for example.
Villager trading was updated so that the nbt tags of the item are checked, instead of just the id. You can't trade an almost broken pickaxe for a new enchanted one, for example.
Well, that's boring. With the new repair system and enchanting system, that hardly matters.
Is the modding api out yet, or is that still handled under bukkit?
Mojang: "So let's go ahead and get 1.8 going. . ."
EvilSeph: "But I don't even have a recommended Bukkit 1.7.2 release done. HALP!"

Glad that they're FINALLY putting in a craftable chiseled block though, long overdue. Liking the revamped enchanting system too, always hated grinding for 30 levels only to get some shit like protection 3 :poop:
For enchanting does it take longer to get to 3 levels than it did before?
Not that I noticed in my limited testing. An exact time/count and many tests might reveal a slight change, but I doubt it will be noticeably different.
Not that I noticed in my limited testing. An exact time/count and many tests might reveal a slight change, but I doubt it will be noticeably different.
Not sure I like the changes to the enchanting system. It's now going to be a complete bitch to get certain enchants. (I.E. Feather Falling IV had a higher chance at ~19 levels than 30.)
Not sure I like the changes to the enchanting system. It's now going to be a complete bitch to get certain enchants. (I.E. Feather Falling IV had a higher chance at ~19 levels than 30.)
So use 2 levels instead of 3? You can still use bookshelves to set the max level enchant, and the level system doesn't change, so the mid-level enchant varies each time you do a block update on the bookshelves.

Also, updated the villager trading in the OP.
Added the new villager breeding mechanics as far as I've been able to confirm. I have one thing to say: FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU, DINNERBONE. FUCK YOU, JEB. YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULDN'T BE EVIL. YOU LIED.

I imagine this will incite a flurry of backlash from players. I hope they change it back before release.
Added some more things. 14w02c didn't change much, just bug fixes.

EDIT: To clarify, I expanded 4, and added 9-15.
For enchanting does it take longer to get to 3 levels than it did before?
I've quoted you because this might affect your question.

I added a correction to #2. After some extended testing, you still need to HAVE 30 levels for a level 30 enchant, the table just only takes 3.
I've quoted you because this might affect your question.

I added a correction to #2. After some extended testing, you still need to HAVE 30 levels for a level 30 enchant, the table just only takes 3.
That outta confuse all the kids and new players. "But it only says 3. . ." That is still nice though - once you get 30, only have to gain 3 back every time you enchant - by far a great time saver versus having to grind 30 more just to get some shit like Prot 3.
Oh. They nerfed boats. I am sad now. No more extreme boating.

With the breaking of boats upon falling 3 blocks onto nonliquid, did they change it to give back a boat versus sticks and wood?