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Minecraft Speed Autoban


New Member
I am getting a bit annoyed by the autoban feature... and i think its been tweaked to be even worse. I first noticed while excavating... whats the point of being awesome fast if you aren't allowed to be? then i noticed it while building huge things really fast... at first it was OK i wouldn't get kicked for making blocks as fast as i could fly...
but now I can't even make a straight line while flying without getting kicked! can anyone fix it? i have NEVER seen a real griefer go that fast either LOL
This limit only applies to the Guest class - get yourself a promotion and then you don't have anything to worry about.
This limit only applies to the Guest class - get yourself a promotion and then you don't have anything to worry about.

um... yeah i was having the problem in cool island 2 as a cool rank user so thats false but either way don't worry about it... I've moved onto bigger and better things, greener pastures, Minecraft Alhpa, found myself a nice server with PINE TREES FTW.