Most appaling thing I have ever seen....


Well-Known Member
If you have a weak heart don't watch this..

This video shows Hillary Adams, A 16 year old girl who was beaten by her father for over 6 minutes. Her father is a judge, and the reason for her father to do this was because she downloaded a computer game. After watching this I was simply appalled at this. People like that father should not exist on this planet and frankly should not be breathing.

I find this sickening and feel helpless that I cant even do anything. If you want to comfort here with any Emails or anything, she has a google web page with links to her deviant art or anything, just make this girl feel that she does not deserve any of this.

This video has been seen by almost a million people thanks to Sxephil who talked about this on his show. I find this to be awful...

Tell me what you think....


If you have a weak heart don't watch this..

This video shows Hillary Adams, A 16 year old girl who was beaten by her father for over 6 minutes. Her father is a judge, and the reason for her father to do this was because she downloaded a computer game. After watching this I was simply appalled at this. People like that father should not exist on this planet and frankly should not be breathing.

I find this sickening and feel helpless that I cant even do anything. If you want to comfort here with any Emails or anything, she had a google web page with links to her deviant art or anything, just make this girl feel that she does not deserve any of this.

This video has been seen by almost a million people thanks to Sxephil who talked about this on his show. I find this to be awful...

Tell me what you think....


Dear god, this comes from a JUDGE?
This man must be put under arrest, and must never be allowed to see the light of day again.
At least it was with a belt, and not with fists or seriously deadly weapons. My dad has got me way worse than this before. And i'm not comparing i'm just saying
At least it was with a belt, and not with fists or seriously deadly weapons. My dad has got me way worse than this before. And i'm not comparing i'm just saying
she really can't complain lol, this thing is getting wayy too much publicity lol
she really can't complain lol, this thing is getting wayy too much publicity lol
Its more or less the reason, and the way the father reacted. I understand this happens everywhere, but the way the father reacted to this was just out of line. "I'm gonna hit you in the face with the belt" "If you so much as look at me I will wear your ass out with this belt"
Now mikey, this is all over a computer game. A computer game. If you had kids would you beat them to this point over downloading a computer game illegally? I know you don't see this as bad as I do. But honestly, I find the fathers actions appalling.
Its more or less the reason, and the way the father reacted. I understand this happens everywhere, but the way the father reacted to this was just out of line. "I'm gonna hit you in the face with the belt" "If you so much as look at me I will wear your ass out with this belt"
Now mikey, this is all over a computer game. A computer game. If you had kids would you beat them to this point over downloading a computer game illegally? I know you don't see this as bad as I do. But honestly, I find the fathers actions appalling.
all i'm saying is that this isnt concerning news lol. shit happens everywhere, this definitely isnt really worth a mention in comparison to other shit that goes on
all i'm saying is that this isnt concerning news lol. shit happens everywhere, this definitely isnt really worth a mention in comparison to other shit that goes on
maybe so, but this will pass over, just like the Golden voice guy. He had his fame/drama then got help. And we forgot him
Im pretty sure this family will get there fame/drama then get help. and we will forget about them. But I swear to god if Dr phil gets to them before some news crew does I will find dr phil and kill him by showing him every episode of dr phil he has ever done. If that doesn't kill him, then I guess hes a demon.
maybe so, but this will pass over, just like the Golden voice guy. He had his fame/drama then got help. And we forgot him
Im pretty sure this family will get there fame/drama then get help. and we will forget about them. But I swear to god if Dr phil gets to them before some news crew does I will find dr phil and kill him by showing him every episode of dr phil he has ever done. If that doesn't kill him, then I guess hes a demon.
Dr Phil is possibly the most entertaining character on television ever. Unfortunately this is for all the wrong reasons.
Dr Phil is possibly the most entertaining character on television ever. Unfortunately this is for all the wrong reasons.
He is the epitome of chaos and conflict....wait where have I heard that before...
Hmm. And here I thought this kind of behaviour was expected from a judge in the US. Glad too see there's people thinking otherwise.
Hmm...though from what I've read (can't watch videos at work), the judge's conduct was unbecoming and wrong, but there seems to be more going on underneath it all. I read this article and it seems to reveal a bit more about the back story. From what I can glean, I think the daughter still mooches off of the judge and they got into an argument, she got mad and released the video as payback. The video is seven years old. She was obviously holding onto it as a bargaining chip sometime in the future when she would be able to get maximum benefit from it. It isn't right for any parent to severly beat their child, however I find it wrong for the girl to release the video to the public after so many years have gone by. This personal family matter could have been handled much better and not drawn the public's ire.
Hmm...though from what I've read (can't watch videos at work), the judge's conduct was unbecoming and wrong, but there seems to be more going on underneath it all. I read this article and it seems to reveal a bit more about the back story. From what I can glean, I think the daughter still mooches off of the judge and they got into an argument, she got mad and released the video as payback. The video is seven years old. She was obviously holding onto it as a bargaining chip sometime in the future when she would be able to get maximum benefit from it. It isn't right for any parent to severly beat their child, however I find it wrong for the girl to release the video to the public after so many years have gone by. This personal family matter could have been handled much better and not drawn the public's ire.
*watches video again*
Quite true, from 2004, I see that she is holding onto this too long, however, he should still not ever be allowed to be a judge again.