Most appaling thing I have ever seen....

*watches video again*
Quite true, from 2004, I see that she is holding onto this too long, however, he should still not ever be allowed to be a judge again.

I fail to see how a judge with potential anger issues shouldn't be allowed to be a judge. If there is more to come out of this and he was physically abusive to other children and his wife, then I may conede.
Seriously I couldn't give less than a !@#@$ about this kinda crap. And neither should anyone. It's all hype and insignificant bullcrap that no one should waste time posting all over facebook or whatever... There's a ka-billion SOB STORIES out there and everyone of them should be ignored to the MAX. Why? cuz sob stories are all about maximum publicity to waste energy on

Having said that, this thread shall now DERAIL or DIE.
Having said that, this thread shall now DERAIL or DIE.
Im pretty sure you have no feelings for anyone like this cause you probably have never gone through it. Im judging you haven't because of the way your reacting. Most people that have gone through this are the people that post it...Most who are bashing it and looking at the side that makes the girl look bad are the people who haven't gone through this. Im not saying you haven't, but have you ever been the victim of someone hitting you constantly and you cant do anything.....
Im pretty sure you have no feelings for anyone like this cause you probably have never gone through it. Im judging you haven't because of the way your reacting. Most people that have gone through this are the people that post it...Most who are bashing it and looking at the side that makes the girl look bad are the people who haven't gone through this. Im not saying you haven't, but have you ever been the victim of someone hitting you constantly and you cant do anything.....

Dude. I live in South East Asia. This kind of thing I know what it is, all too well.

ALL of it is just attention whoring.
Dude. I live in South East Asia. This kind of thing I know what it is, all too well.

ALL of it is just attention whoring.
maybe so, but this will pass over, just like the Golden voice guy. He had his fame/drama then got help. And we forgot him
Im pretty sure this family will get there fame/drama then get help. and we will forget about them. But I swear to god if Dr phil gets to them before some news crew does I will find dr phil and kill him by showing him every episode of dr phil he has ever done. If that doesn't kill him, then I guess hes a demon.
Its more or less the reason, and the way the father reacted. I understand this happens everywhere, but the way the father reacted to this was just out of line. "I'm gonna hit you in the face with the belt" "If you so much as look at me I will wear your ass out with this belt"
Now mikey, this is all over a computer game. A computer game. If you had kids would you beat them to this point over downloading a computer game illegally? I know you don't see this as bad as I do. But honestly, I find the fathers actions appalling.
Ah yes, I saw this yesterday.

1. I've been through so much worse than this, it's not as painful as it looks, trust me.
2. This should have been kept private as there are more horrible things going on like human trafficking and child slavery.
3. The dad is a fucking asshole, but many people are.
4. We all go through extremely shitty times, but many people do as well.
5. As Tyler Durden would say, "It could be worse. A woman could cut off your penis while you're sleeping and toss it out the window of a moving car." ( idk how to apply that quote to females )
Ah yes, I saw this yesterday.

1. I've been through so much worse than this, it's not as painful as it looks, trust me.
2. This should have been kept private as there are more horrible things going on like human trafficking and child slavery.
3. The dad is a fucking asshole, but many people are.
4. We all go through extremely shitty times, but many people do as well.
5. As Tyler Durden would say, "It could be worse. A woman could cut off your penis while you're sleeping and toss it out the window of a moving car." ( idk how to apply that quote to females )
You do realize when she was interviewed she said she released the video to raise awareness for her dad to get help and for others to speak up from this. Looks like its doing its job from everyones reaction to it.
I fail to see how a judge with potential anger issues shouldn't be allowed to be a judge. If there is more to come out of this and he was physically abusive to other children and his wife, then I may conede.
He was abusive to his wife, and he had a "addiction", both of those were said by his ex wife, who was the mom in the video.
You do realize when she was interviewed she said she released the video to raise awareness for her dad to get help and for others to speak up from this. Looks like its doing its job from everyones reaction to it.

If her dad needs help, then many many many foreign parents need to be immediately put in an insane asylum.
If her dad needs help, then many many many foreign parents need to be immediately put in an insane asylum.
Yes, but who is going to force them or make it public so authority's do? The person being abused? If so, the person abused doesn't have any proof, which is why people are making a big deal out of this because someone managed to record themselves in the action of being abused, which is another reason why its a big deal.
Yes, but who is going to force them or make it public so authority's do? The person being abused? If so, the person abused doesn't have any proof, which is why people are making a big deal out of this because someone managed to record themselves in the action of being abused, which is another reason why its a big deal.
Perhaps i misspoke in an earlier post. My main point is that what we are seeing is only one incident that occurred, and right now it's a "he said, she said" argument. Should this particular event warrant further investigation? Sure. Should the public get involved in this man's personal life? No.
I learned about this story like a week ago, and I feel like a hipster.

Facts you all should know:

  • Her name is Hillary Adams.
  • This video was recorded in 2004, when she was 16.
  • This means that Hillary is about 24.
  • Her father, Texan Judge William Adams, was punishing her for supposedly illegally downloading music.
  • Hillary has cerebral palsy, which is a motor condition in which her mental thinking and physical movement is slowed.
  • This means she is mildly disabled.
  • Hillary herself uploaded the video herself to Youtube and then to Reddit to gain herself attention.

Here is the original source of her post.


UPDATE: Just recently, her father has responded to her actions with several statements which are mentioned in this article. The new statements by both Hillary and William are suprising.

Just before the YouTube upload, Judge Adams told his daughter he was unwilling to continue supporting her financially because the young piano prodigy wasn’t living up to her potential, instead dropping out of school and working part time at a video game store.

“Hillary warned her father if he reduced her financial support and took away her Mercedes automobile, which her father had provided, he would live to regret it,” Dudley said. “The post was then uploaded.”

Hillary Adams said:
“It wasn’t any huge happening or anything” that prompted her to post the video, she said. “I told him I had the video. He didn’t seem to think anything of it, and basically dared me to post it.”

So basically, the judge brought it upon himself. I must admit, this whole thing seems really overblown. She disobeyed her father, so she got punished. Meh.
I learned about this story like a week ago, and I feel like a hipster.

Facts you all should know:

  • Her name is Hillary Adams.
    This video was recorded in 2004, when she was 16.
    This means that Hillary is about 24.
    Hillary has cerebral palsy, which is a motor condition in which her mental thinking and physical movement is slowed.
    This means she is disabled.
    Hillary herself uploaded the video herself to Youtube and then to Reddit to gain herself attention.

Here is the original source of her post:[/url
Your so far behind the times man....
The guy was severely abusing his family and got caught on tape. There will be consequences for him. Probably huge fines, losing his job, and maybe some jailtime.

On the other hand:

The girl (who is now older than I am) threw a fit because daddy cut her off and posted the video on youtube 7 years later and totally played the "disabled" card...

This chick released this video for the wrong reasons. Not to raise awareness or to "get her father help", but because he quit cutting her checks and took away her Mercedes... This seems to be a typical spoiled brat that is crying out for attention because she didn't get her way.

Only in America.
Only in America.

hawww yeah
When I think the US, I think of this.

And unfortunately...

I've been to crater lake, it's amazing, here are some pics I took.



We also got big cacti (Reference GreenEarth for large size of erect cactus, giggity)

Big rocks

Big Trees

Even big pinecones

yep, America is a pretty groovy place.