Muffins. A MLP fan fic. (Dont read if Cupcakes gave you nightmares)


Well-Known Member
Also, if your wondering why I am writing this, I'm bored, also I feel it has to be done...

Muffins - Written by rsmv2you​

As pinkie pie was walking back to her bakery jumping and frolicking as if she didn't have a care in the world, decided to stop by the market to get some ingredients for some brand new cupcakes she was planning on making. She was looking at all the choices in the cart, and couldn't decide which one to get. As she was looking through the choices Derpy hooves was taking a stroll through the market as she heard pinkie pie scream out "EW! Oatmeal! who would wanna buy this?!". As Derpy looked at pinkie pie with a content of disbelief she just shook the thought out of her head and went on with her day, as did pinkie pie.

Later that day as pinkie pie came out of her cellar, covered in blood and a fair bit of rainbow icing around her lips, licking off the significantly familiar topping exclaimed "ah, she tasted so awesome! Not only is she 20% cooler, she tastes 20% cooler!". As pinkie pie went to clean her self up, Derpy walked in through the door and shouted, "I brought you a letter!". As pinkie pie hopped to the front door with joy, "OH! OH!, who's it from!?". Derpy looked at the paper with her eyes spinning and twisting to correctly read the paper, "umm...I cant tell....anyways, here you go!".

Pinkie pie took the letter and set it on the counter, right before derpy left, she started to ask pinkie pie a question. "Umm, pinkie pie", pinkie pie replied "yes derpy?", "I have a request for a cupcake". Pinkie pie exclaimed "Oh boy! What flavor do you want?! we have a new flavor today, Rainbows!".
Derpy looked with a confused face, "umm no I actually wanted oatmeal flavor", pinkie pie looked with a confused yet angry face, " ew ew ew ew! Oatmeal!? are you crazy?!". Derpy, looked at pinkie with a sad expression "umm..ok...I guess you don't have to make them.." derpy ran and flew out the door shedding a few tears.

Pinkie pie however didn't feel bad for derpy considering her passion for hating oatmeal, derpy on the other hand was full of hate and in the mood for revenge. She went back to her little cloud up in cloudsdale plotting the ultimate revenge.

A few hours later, just before dark, pinkie pie got a letter slipped under her door, she picked up the letter and read it.

Dear Pinkie Pie

I have admired you from afar, I can not stand my feelings any longer, I want you, I need you. I want to see you eye to eye
and I want to hold you. I love you pinkie pie and I want to see you, meet me in the park at midnight.

~secret admirer.

Pinkie Pie started blushing and went to go fix her hair and went out to the park. She hopped and skipped over to the park and noticed someone sitting under the little tree in the park. As she moved closer she whispered "hello?", and a voice from behind her whispered "hello pinkie.". Right as pinkie started to turn around she was hit with a large metal object to the back of the head. She fell to the ground and was knocked unconscious.

Pinkie Pie woke up later to being chained by her front and back hooves, upside down, hanging off a cliff. She screamed, "What?! Hello? How did I get here?!". A shadow appeared from above her, slowly lowering herself with her wings out of the moonlight shined derpy hooves. Derpy whispered "So, how you hangin Pinkie." Pinkie screamed "This isn't funny get me down NOW!". Derpy replied,"oh I'm afraid I cant do that pinkie. Tell you what, how about you help me a little." Pinkies heart dropped into the bottom of her stomach. She felt a sense of nostalgia from this. She looked at derpy, and derpy looked back, "so pinkie, got anything to say for yourself?". Pinkie replied "What do I have to say? What did I do?!" Derpy replied "isn't it obvious, ugh, you disappoint me...a little to much, enough to where I don't want you around..".

Pinkie looked at derpy screaming "What are you saying?!". "Oh pinkie pie, I really thought you were sweet, but now, its a bit to late for that. Hmm, by the way, your basement has a lot of nice head decorations, mind if I add you to your own personal collection when were done?" Pinkie's heart dropped even further, she finally realized what her insane hobby's had brought her to. She looked at derpy as derpy flew up to the top of the mountain and came down with a muffin and a saw. "So, I heard you hate oatmeal, also this saw I grabbed from your basement is really nice, has a really sharp edge to it, seems pretty for this such occasion don't you think?"

Derpy took the muffin that was stuffed with oatmeal and shoved it into pinkie pies mouth and simultaneously took the saw and sawed away at pinkie pies tail. As derpy sawed away and pinkie pie spit out the muffin, she screamed in pain. The next thing pinkie sees is her tail, in derpys hands. Derpy looked at pinkie pie with a almost happy lively expression and said "Hey pinkie pie, you like cotton candy?". Derpy shoved the tail into pinkie pies mouth and made her almost choke on her torn tail. "Oh now dont be like that, were just getting started."

Derpy looked at pinkie pie with a look of pleasure, "Your looking a bit short pinkie, mind if we stretch you out a little."
Derpy flew to the top of the mountain to where the contraption the chains were attached to that held pinkie in her fate. Derpy then took the handle on "the rack" and turned it around and as she did so she heard the screams of pain from pinkie pie down below. She heard a loud cracking sound and then stopped. She flew down and looked at pinkies torn flesh and ripped cracked bones around and inside her elbows and ankles. "Now pinkie, you're gonna look beautiful now, I say you have grown a foot". Pinkie pie crying with all the blood rushing to her head, losing feeling in her legs and arms, passed out.

Pinkie pie gained consciousness and looked down to find a fire stuck into the rock under her. She screamed out begging for derpy to stop, derpy simply replied "oh you're cold? Let me help you a bit. Derpy took the torch and put it up to pinkies mane and her mane was set a lite. She screamed a shrieked in pain as the fire engulfed what was left of her mane. Derpy looked at pinkie expressing "you know you look better this way, don't they shave the manes of pony's that go insane? Anyways, lets cool you off."

Derpy then went and grabbed a bucket of boiling water and put it under pinkies head and shoved pinkies head inside the bucket. Holding her down for minutes at a time. Pinkie kicked the bucket and spilled some of the boiling water in derpys eye.
Derpy looked at pinkie with her one good eye and said,"oh your so gonna wish you hadn't done that". Derpy took a knife and jabbed it deep into pinkies eye, and left it there. Derpy said out of anger "Eye don't think you should have done that". She then went and got another knife, "let me give you a hand here." Derpy took the knife and stabbed it into pinkie pies hove.

As pinkie pie hung there, bleeding, burned, and broken, she began to wonder when this all would end. Derpy took to the rack and pulled even more. She pulled it to the extent to where pinkie pies chest was ripped open. Derpy flew down in excitement, "oh joy, that saved me a lot of work." Derpy then took a match and some paper and shoved it into pinkie pies chest. Pinkie screamed crying out begging for derpy to stop as she was literally burned inside out. Derpy then looked at pinkie pie and said "You sound better unconscious, your not screaming in my ears every second when your like that". Derpy then took a metal bar and swung at pinkie but instead hit inside her burning stomach. She swung again and hit pinkie in the head, cracking her head open.

Derpy decided to just get this over with and woke pinkie up by burning off most of her face. "Umm pinkie this is getting pretty boring and I gotta get back him to ditzy doo so I'm gonna have to speed this up"
Derpy flew to the top of the cliff and cranked the rack as hard as she could, ripping pinkie pies skin, as her skin was tearing, her bones cracking, and her vision fading, she looked out over ponyville and said, "I'm sorry rainbow dash....".

As she spoke her final words, her stomach ripped open, her body flinging down forwards, blood spilling down off onto the cliff. Derpy flew down and simply said "you know all you had to say was I like oatmeal and we could have forgotten about this whole thing. Whatever." Derpy then flew away back home and left pinkie pies body to hang there.
Actually, please read it, I need a opinion on how terrifying it is. :)
please x3
alright maybe... but i've got some bio hw to do about beluga whales... why can't it be about ponies?!?!

some comments:

the tail choking thing is quite nauseating to me, i even felt a little pain in my throat... owww.

you wrote "hands" for derpy so you better fix that.

tail choking is a good way to start, doesn't start out too violent i guess, but still makes the readers feel somewhat uncomfortable... maybe include descriptions of pinkie pie coughing and spitting to give it more effect.

i'm not really sure if ponies can actually feel tail, you know, if they actually have nerve points or if they're simply just hair so yeah...
SO what your saying is I should finish it and make it scarier. >=)
So... What I'm saying is to add more gore and imagery, and Spellcheck it.
By all means, continue. It has the potential to be great. But it seems to be a little too much like Cupcakes... You need something to differenciate it from Cupcakes.
Wow i read that whole thing. it is terrifiying yet epic. i want more. in fact i need more!!!!! i want to know what happens to pinkie! rsmv that is just epic but slightly insane :D i like it
So... What I'm saying is to add more gore and imagery, and Spellcheck it.
By all means, continue. It has the potential to be great. But it seems to be a little too much like Cupcakes... You need something to differenciate it from Cupcakes.
Im looking up insane torture weapons on google atm. :)

Also, once I'm done could you do a spell check?
Maybe it's just me, but it needs to be scarier. Maybe I'm just hardened and desensitized after killing so many Scouts, but it really needs some more gore.

If you like, I can lend you some excerpts from a horror story I wrote than came runners-up in a national writing comp.
Maybe it's just me, but it needs to be scarier. Maybe I'm just hardened and desensitized after killing so many Scouts, but it really needs some more gore.

If you like, I can lend you some excerpts from a horror story I wrote than came runners-up in a national writing comp.
convo me it.
Finished it.
Hope your all terrified. :D
Not really, to be honest.
I don't know... Maybe it's because I already know what's gonna happen, maybe it's not gory enough, maybe I'm just cynical...

Really, I found that underwhelming. Sorry. :(
Not really, to be honest.
I don't know... Maybe it's because I already know what's gonna happen, maybe it's not gory enough, maybe I'm just cynical...

Really, I found that underwhelming. Sorry. :(
I said message me in a conversation some suggestions. :| I waited for 20 minutes and you didn't send one.