Muffins. A MLP fan fic. (Dont read if Cupcakes gave you nightmares)

Wasn't all that disgusting to be honest, more stupid than disgusting but I still wish I stayed away from this thread.

I'm also not sure on whether this fan fic is breaking rule 8.

Btw I read cupcakes when I saw the title knowing what I was getting myself into, I'm scarred for life....
rsmv, You know i think very highly of you.. with that said... THIS IS SO HORRIBLE.. grammatical errors and typos aside, this was not very good.. I know you can do better.. just saying <3
Wasn't all that disgusting to be honest, more stupid than disgusting but I still wish I stayed away from this thread.

I'm also not sure on whether this fan fic is breaking rule 8.

Btw I read cupcakes when I saw the title knowing what I was getting myself into, I'm scarred for life....
rsmv, You know i think very highly of you.. with that said... THIS IS SO HORRIBLE.. grammatical errors and typos aside, this was not very good.. I know you can do better.. just saying <3
I realized this is bad and reason I didn't correct grammar is because I know its bad. I decided to not do anything like this ever again and instead wrote this.,-Chapter-by-Chapter.

Please read this ^^ and pretend this thread doesn't exist. ;)
Actually, please read it, I need a opinion on how terrifying it is. :)
please x3
It's okay. I'm not really a pony fan but I could still understand the plot. I did like that there were multiple ways of torture, but it keeps annoying me that the only motive was a hate against oatmeal.. Also, Rainbow Dash's demise would have been a nice addition, but I understand that it was needed for parts such as: "She felt a sense of nostalgia from this" and where Derpy revealed Pinkie's little secret. Pretty good read, didn't expect to come by this sort of thing on t9k.
It's okay. I'm not really a pony fan but I could still understand the plot. I did like that there were multiple ways of torture, but it keeps annoying me that the only motive was a hate against oatmeal.. Also, Rainbow Dash's demise would have been a nice addition, but I understand that it was needed for parts such as: "She felt a sense of nostalgia from this" and where Derpy revealed Pinkie's little secret. Pretty good read, didn't expect to come by this sort of thing on t9k.
I have made way better stuff then this. This was my first time at fan fic. This is bad, trust me. lol

Read this :)
This is a MLP twist I did of Band of Brothers. :)