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Music Subforum


Well-Known Member
Can we have a music subforum already? There are so many budding musicians around here and everything is kind of all over the place. It would be nice to have a place where people can:

1.) Post their latest and greatest creations i.e. soundcloud links.
2.) Talk about musics that they like.
3.) Whore out their friend's bands.
4.) Discuss music creations and things of that nature.
5.) Whore out various music videos they have made (I'm looking at you, RSMV).

I know we're a gaming community but... C'mon
This is a good idea. I think it's silly to have people making blogs of their one song they just made, when that person(s) could have a thread and just post new songs to that thread. They'd probably get better feedback too, since there is no character limit on the forums as compared to the blogs. I might even post one or two of my jaw harp songs (I just need to find my jaw harp...)
Even though I don't create music or even remixes at that, this would be invaluable to the forums. I don't see a reason why we shouldn't.
OR BETTER YET! Would it at all possible that the new music posted on this site get added to the Radio? That would be awesome.