My body does not give one shit about logic

ConroD said:
Sudden muscle growth in the upper back can give the illusion of height, by straightening posture and extending the next. Not all down to the bone growth :D.

Oh, and you have a terrible memory, i agreed with you. I was merely pointing out how it is a supported theory. :p

Hmm I don't honestly remember you agreeing, but my memory sucks still so you probably did and im still just losing my mind, however sudden muscle growth like that would put a new strain on his bones and while it would probably not hurt, he would MOST LIKELY feel it. Not the point though as in this situation you are right and im shooting at the back of a barn door, a sudden muscle growth can definitely give the illusion of height gain.

You have to make it to PAXS now though. I need a rematch ASAP
Hmm I don't honestly remember you agreeing, but my memory sucks still so you probably did and im still just losing my mind, however sudden muscle growth like that would put a new strain on his bones and while it would probably not hurt, he would MOST LIKELY feel it. Not the point though as in this situation you are right and im shooting at the back of a barn door, a sudden muscle growth can definitely give the illusion of height gain.

You have to make it to PAXS now though. I need a rematch ASAP

That's where you are wrong, resting posture can be affected by the slightest changes in muscle mass/length. It wouldn't effect his bones, it would effect ligaments and tendons, hence the posture change, not the bones breaking <3.

And you will have one in due time, we need to put money on this.
And you are what.. 15/16? That's not really that low tbh, judging by your picture you're sitting at about 8% bf. Nothing unhealthy at all above 5%. Ignore BMI, it's a lie and was created to aid sales pitch on unhealthy weightloss methods.

Prime age to start smashing the gym, mid-late teen is when your natural testosterone production starts to spike, protein synthesis will be at it's peak. Get a steady plan and stick to it, work on a decent diet in your own time and it'll all become habit. Wish i started at your age, aha.
I'm 5' 7" and I weighed 210, last time I checked. (about 2 months ago.) Yes, I need to lose weight.
Anything that affects the muscles in turn effects the bones, even if you don't feel it. And the stress would probably be felt on the tensions/ligaments first, but in the end the ligaments and tensions connect your muscles to your bones, so the stress is transferred through your whole body, thus physical affects on your muscles also effect your connective tissues and bones. You know this as when you increase muscle mass normally, you need a larger intake of calcium for your vibes to compensate for the extra stress. Normal growth of muscles doesn't normally cause enough stress for it to be noticeable because your entire body has time to compensate sure our and reinforce itself. A sudden growth spurt in any area causes added stress in all areas of the body affected, thus the term growing pains. not all growth spurts cause growing pains, but your body is still affected across the board. I apologize, I'm trying to type this on my phone.
I'll give you a little bit of training/diet ideology. Throw out your scales, and throw out your bodyfat calipers. Numbers mean nothing. Aesthetics are all that matters.

Buy a full body mirror, visualize what you want to look like, use that as your driving force and answer to no one but your reflection.
ConroD said:
I'll give you a little bit of training/diet ideology. Throw out your scales, and throw out your bodyfat calipers. Aesthetics are all that matters.

Buy a full body mirror, visualize what you want to look like, use that as your driving force and answer to no one but your reflection.

I've dropped almost 20 pounds since I deployed, and a mirror was my motivation. And the love handles that won't disappear even when I get my six pack.....
if i translated it right (we use kilo/meters here)
i would be
127.6 Lbs (58 K)
6 ' and 0.83 " (1,85M)

so.. what did you say about being skinny rsmv?

ah yes, i'm 17 fyi
And you are what.. 15/16? That's not really that low tbh, judging by your picture you're sitting at about 8% bf. Nothing unhealthy at all above 5%. Ignore BMI, it's a lie and was created to aid sales pitch on unhealthy weightloss methods.

Prime age to start smashing the gym, mid-late teen is when your natural testosterone production starts to spike, protein synthesis will be at it's peak. Get a steady plan and stick to it, work on a decent diet in your own time and it'll all become habit. Wish i started at your age, aha.
Just a quick question, what would be a few things that I should do for say 5-10 minutes every morning to gain abs. I mean, my chest almost looks like I do have them but I would like a bit of muscle at least for 2 reason. 1. Why the fuck not, and 2 there's a asshole at our school that loves to punch people in the stomach and he targets me the most and I wanna troll him, I'm not joking.
This isn't my thread (sorry), but I have a question:

I'm 5'9" and I weigh at 120lbs. Is that underweight/ or average? Or what? I've also lost about 5-10 lbs over this year too. Is that bad?
Just a quick question, what would be a few things that I should do for say 5-10 minutes every morning to gain abs. I mean, my chest almost looks like I do have them but I would like a bit of muscle at least for 2 reason. 1. Why the fuck not, and 2 there's a asshole at our school that loves to punch people in the stomach and he targets me the most and I wanna troll him, I'm not joking.

Not sure what you mean by you want to gain abs and your chest almost has them, wanna clarify?

As for abs, crunches or sit ups, 3 sets every morning, do as many as you can each set. After a few weeks, add bicycles/reverse crunches/leg raises etc. Very very easy to get abs when you are naturally lean. Just up your protein a little to compensate.
If you are getting serious and want to spend a little more time than 5-10 minutes a day let me know, I have a pretty good program right now going, but I'm on my phone, so there is no way I'm going to bother typing it out right now. Besides, I need sleep. Send me a message if you want to get serious about becoming stronger/leaner/healthier/or just better physically over all. I'm sure conrod feels the same way. We both love this stuff, so we (I....don't want to speak for conrod) will be glad to help.
Lol, this sort of thing truly is my passion. If you only have 10 minutes every morning, press ups and sit ups < should have mentioned that. Same reps and sets for both.

But yeah, if anyone genuinely wants to get serious and wants advice/tips i'll be happy to help. I'll even make a ridiculously in depth diet/training programme, for a little price ;). Just spread our names around aha :).
ConroD said:
Lol, this sort of thing truly is my passion. If you only have 10 minutes every morning, press ups and sit ups < should have mentioned that. Same reps and sets for both.

But yeah, if anyone genuinely wants to get serious and wants advice/tips i'll be happy to help. I'll even make a ridiculously in depth diet/training programme, for a little price ;). Just spread our names around aha :).

Hell, ill do it for free. Lol, I'm kidding, I wouldn't take from conrod like that. However, ignore what he said, as pushups don't work as good as push downs. Why push your self away from the ground, when you can push the ground away from you! Try that, you'll notice much better results :)
Hell, ill do it for free. Lol, I'm kidding, I wouldn't take from conrod like that. However, ignore what he said, as pushups don't work as good as push downs. Why push your self away from the ground, when you can push the ground away from you! Try that, you'll notice much better results :)

Psh, you ain't no chuck norris! < mr t voice.
If you are getting serious and want to spend a little more time than 5-10 minutes a day let me know, I have a pretty good program right now going, but I'm on my phone, so there is no way I'm going to bother typing it out right now. Besides, I need sleep. Send me a message if you want to get serious about becoming stronger/leaner/healthier/or just better physically over all. I'm sure conrod feels the same way. We both love this stuff, so we (I....don't want to speak for conrod) will be glad to help.
Not really, I would not like the feeling of being "muscular", I just would like abs and a better mid section.
20 years old

My daily meal (yes meal, I eat 1 time a day) consists of granola bars and poptarts, sometimes ramen.
I don't leave the house unless I need to take my grandfather to a doctor's appointment.
I have arthritis in my ankle and starting to get it in my elbow.

Rsmv, you are in a lot better shape than me my friend :)
Disregard everything you have ever heard about fitness, diet and the human body if it comes from commercial sources. Anyone who can so much as move, can better them selves and make gains in their desired area. :)