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My First Year On the T9K.


Active Member
So I have absolutely no way of starting this so I guess I'll start off of how I got here.

I started on Team9000 Classic back in well today, it didn't really take me too long to make friends, the first was some person named Tynancraw, but I don't know what happened to him. Anyways I started a little good, got promoted to cool, then I got banned by Sonic, who would of guessed that, then i got banned again by Lzice, then again by Lameducks, but who cares about that I'm here now and hopefully for more years to come. I've made alot of friends and people I consider friends or nice people whatever you may call it, I consider you a good person to me. I made it to Builder, with around 720 hours and 11 kicks(which isn't good).

Also I'm not too active upon the forums, mumble, whatever. I would like to be a little more active. I'll try to make that a goal this year, but I'll see, or you'll see.

Now to the point, These are some people I would like to thank for just thanking,
Aardvarkius: One of the people who told me how to get to different worlds.
Banning kind of people: Just for unbanning me, i wouldn't be writing this if it weren't for you.
Csimiami14: There's alot to thank you too, Not banning me from how stupid I got sometimes, being a good person, and just thanks to you means alot from me.
Mightythedj23: You guy sure never did anything even how dumb I got, I guess others did it for ya, thanks from a friend I would consider.
Olleeollee: Pretty much gave me a second chance upon promotion.
Mrfrog90: Told me who banned me and how to get unbanned.
Wooty: For making a great Community and other things involved with T9K.
And there are so many others I would have a separate thanks too, but I never really thought it over, since I did wake up at 4 in the afternoon, I'm still mushy..mushy, Anyways other people I consider friends and I hope you have the same,
Cherbstlcfd, Nikkitikkiisland, Girls_Is_Awesome, Csimiami14, Mightythedj23, Metalgtr93, Mellow__Mood, Saltyp3ppers, Ltras23, Top_Of_The_World, Crazyhippy23, Acidsoda101, Amermelstein, BMWAce, Broadshore, DaGamer12345, Corn_Husk, ClawfulKitty, CaptainGold7647, Camevil, Damashki, DarkPrime25, Dark_Light22, DanLokar92, Barbsa, Blyn99, Ekgladiator, Fox_news, Gamefreakboy, Gap1224, GNC2012, Hecticrapidz, Hugh_B_006, Hiphoplives, IncognitoLens, Jackalope963, Jaywalker9800, Kris19642, LordSunRunner, Nobler3con, Primagen102, Phat_N_Masks, RemofShadows, Rai_the_Insane, ScaryWaffle, Skittles751, SevenDayRinger, SeniorTruffles, SSJ2Deadheart, Speedo63, Twisted_Intent, Thehotmail, Twn3, Unismurfsity, Maester_Squishy, Weeuy, Whatupguys1, 4646000545. That's alot of names...

One More List, these are people I consider friends but not sure if they consider back,

ConroD, Mcfar45, Sasquatch_Legend, 99sor, Alyyiah, ChibaMasato, Foxzm, PatchouIi, KeebyFTW, Littlespedve467, Jigadirasu, Jslam01, Frankiller23, Zahldar, ZeroBit4, Alfisonson, Avroom, Crabbie1, BBgunshot, Casham, PsuPepperoni, SeargentBob23, Xeadin, Wolfkite, SunFireDragon...

If I missed any of you be sure to yell at me down below,
So that is about it, I hope I get to stay at T9k for a long time, and I hope for many more years to come,
