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My opinion on war.....


Well-Known Member
This thing about war, I just can't stop thinking about it. My childhood was filled with discrimination, racial insults, religious insults, and just down right pathetic ethnic carnage. My parents were Catholic Christian you see, and although i respect all kinds of religious beliefs I just didn't like how everyone that surrounded me acted so racist and close minded. I used to go to a purely Catholic school and the teachers there would constantly talk trash about other religions like Islam and Judaism. Sometimes I would try to speak out against all that to my fellow classmates, but I just.... just was scared. The thought of every single person in my life totally hating me and shunning me or declaring me as a heretic or whatever just kept my mouth shut. Although a "bit" racist, my teachers and parents were still respectful people, but I do NOT want to follow their way of expressing their religion. I wanted to go back to my hometown, Las Vegas, the place where I was born and the place which my parents moved away from because they thought the place would spoil me. The people their were.... eccentric, but that is why I loved the place! It felt like a haven for open mindedness..... errr..... no I am not talking about the hookers and the beer and the gambling, I am talking about how the people there RESPECT each other.

The amount of stress my daily life offered to me when I was young forced me to take refuge in the outside world, the world is so full of different things it just fascinated me, I was really excited to grow up and get out there in the open and just explore! The existence of war between people disturbed me though, it disturbed in a way that I just wanted to grab people's head and break them on walls to make them THINK about what they are doing. I just couldn't understand why people hate each other soooo much that they take it to a point of mass killing, they take it to a point that they develop weapons of mass destruction. I also couldn't understand why I cared! It was a feeling that just made me extremely angry to hear people concentrating their talk and interests to war. I also couldn't understand why they would waste so much money on massive war machines, when they could just spend their money on preserving humanity instead of destroying it? Sure a gun can help people protect themselves or.... have some... fun, but why the gigantic battleships and stealth bombers that cost million and millions and even trillions of dollars?! I long for a world with more open mindedness and respect, a world with people who care about each other! But alas, it will never happen.....

But as I said, I held on to my "research" of the open world, held on to meeting new people and creating my very own haven of joy and respect, which is why I stay here on Team9000.... I just feel that everyone here has so much respect for each other (I am not exactly included in that radius of respect to most people but I still love them <3), everyone here can share their thoughts freely without some bitch bitching about your opinions... most of the time. People here have tolerance to other religions and races. I thank all people here that tried to help me to feel at home here. (whether they tried to help me in their very own or tried to help in a direct and friendly way) But I am repeating the same thing all over again, this is the time I shall stop typing....
in my opinion, war is perpetual; never ending, in the sense that new battle lines are always drawn, new allies made, new enemies rise etc...And, as far as the discrimination you expressed in this, most people are close minded; they fear/hate what they do not understand/whatever does not go with what they believe. just the way of the world i suppose. Of course, there are people, like me, who are open to a lot of things. so i have hope in mankind. :3
If only people listened to Street Fighter! Then instead of wasting the lives of millions we could have Electric Monkey people fighting sluts!
It's pretty awesome that you didn't allow the bigotry you were exposed as a child shape who you are, and that you're not allowing history to repeat itself. War will always be a part of life, for as long as there are a lot of people, and little resources there will be fighting. But war caused by ignorance and hatred, can be prevented, maybe, so long as we raise our children not to know hatred. Unless it's hatred for Justin Bieber. Fuck that guy.
"The complexity of human relationships should not be underestimated." People generally do not wage war over petty differences like religion or "race", I mean why would you even bother right? Wars are generally fought over land and resources and things like religion, race, ideology usually play a secondary role of demonizing an enemy or motivating your side.

While the many billions of dollars the United States and other countries spend on defense could be used for pretty awesome scientific and engineering projects, there are practical applications to standing armies and weapons. Naval trade routes have to be protected from troll ass pirates, troll ass countries have to be deterred, etc. It's not the ideal situation but blame history. Humans have desires and this will always lead to conflict on a variety of scales.

Generally the only way I see the situation getting better, for starters, is an abundant cheap source of energy possibly through a mastery of fusion. This will put the pressure off of the middle east (in theory). Poorer country have to be brought up to speed in terms of living conditions and quality of life so they can also reduce their birth rates. More tech, more efficiency, and hopefully more sharing with the rest of the world. (eh probably not in a long time)

In any case countries generally wont attempt large take overs of other countries just for the sake of more land, unless they are batshit insane. Most conflicts now are complicated (middle east and oil), covert (stuxnet) and or economic (3rd world countries having their resources exploited for 1st world benefit).

Nothing is as it seems, nothing is black and white and history is always told through someones glasses.

I highly recommend watching these documentaries if you got time.
This one about recent events...
This one generally about the past century...

Casey you should get started :3