nazi flag as bad as griefing


New Member
should makeing the nazi flag get a ban just aswell as griefing?

or just be kick?

thx for looking please respond

(byway this is my first post :)
i recommend a full-on ban

also, i recommend griefing pro-hate creations (just sayin')

l8r, toos (& every1)

Yes, it is as bad as griefing, and I really hope greens can get bans in the future, because griefers are just so annoying.

Like yesterday this one douche made like 10 accounts just to slowly grief this giant sprite in the guest room. I COULDN'T SAVE IT! i need ban option plz Q_Q
I ban people doing nazi flags on sight w/o pretty sure everyone else does the exact same thing too...
i'm semi-sure i saw an inverted cross somewhere. should've took a screenshot (also, i've been having mild problems connecting to the server -- guess i'll see every1 whenever)