Neighslayer's Livestream thread

I meant specifics. Like what kind of games/movies, or just whatever you're in the mood for?
Actually so far what ever i feel like it, any game/rom i can find and play on the computer and hopefully with friends same goes for movies.

the livestreams is basically here until me and my friends start up a channel on youtube and this is after we get the right gear for it
Actually so far what ever i feel like it, any game/rom i can find and play on the computer and hopefully with friends same goes for movies.

the livestreams is basically here until me and my friends start up a channel on youtube and this is after we get the right gear for it
:thumbsup: If you need help, I'll do my best. While I'm not the best by any stretch of the imagination, I'm a youtuber myself, and it's always nice to see new faces join in on the fun. :3
Like I said, shoot me a msg when you decide to stream a movie. Unless its terribly mediocre I'll be there. :thumbsup:

Well given I'm not at college or :sleep: