• You're viewing the Team9000 Archives. These old threads are closed to new comments, but if something interests you or you have a question, feel free to open a new thread in the main forums.

New Forum Regulations


From now on, all forums, except for off topic, are now going to be STRICTLY moderated. Im tired of you guys spamming all over the place :). Off topic is the place for spam, no where else.

Also note, I may mark Off Topic threads with the following post:

Wooty said:
This thread has been treated with DarkFX Anti-Noob Radiation. Any non-releated or irrelavent posts will be removed.

If this is posted by me into an Off Topic thread, then that thread will be moderated in the same manner as posts in the other forums.
HAHAHAHA N00bus you're going DOWN! Double, this is a really good idea. It saves us from reading N00bus' 20 some-odd posts that are just the Noob Trap picture.
do you really want to tell double man to pull an all nighter trying to delete all my posts?
you sick bastard
let the double people have their sleep :p
i say russian should get negatives for being the 21513613631th person to ***** about my post count
stop being so jealous
why do you even care?
it just means i have nothing better to do with my time
why dont you just be glad that you're not as pathetic as i am?
and that you have better things to do with your time?