]-- Noble Actual --[


Well-Known Member
Quite late in the game to be introducing myself... But here goes nothing.

Hello guys, I'm relatively new to Team9000. I share with you my first name... Nothing more... Nothing less. My name is Spencer, I am obsessed with a few things... Halo being the top thing, weaponry collecting, and Minecraft of course. For those of you who watched Deadliest Warrior - Spetznas Vs. Green Beret, I am good friends with the two Spetznas representatives. I shoot... Alot... I train in Systema, which is a Russian martial art, primarily used in their special forces we know as Spetznas.

I collect Yugioh cards... Just having them makes me feel like it's elementry school all over again. I love Halo to death... It keeps my spirit alive... As does Minecraft and various other things. I work in film as a Co-Captain for picture cars, and my dad and I are bith Armorers... Meaning we supply film sets with weaponry, they rent what they want... Blah blah = Profit. I am honestly waiting for a zombie apocalypse... It's my dream... Before you say "What the hell that would be horrible!", just think of it... You finally have an excuse to kill your annoying neighbour.

Anyways... If you've got any questions... Feel free to ask... I'm very easy going...

Cheers my friends.

-Spencer (IGN: nobler3con)
Hello there! You seem to have a pretty interesting jobs and hobbies. It's a pleasure to meet you. I don't do anything as interesting as you.