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Not sure how much longer I'm playing here


Active Member
Not making threats. Not even really just a rant to blow off steam. I just have a number of friends here and I don't want to just disappear entirely without letting people know where/why. I could provide a detailed list of reasons why but ultimately it comes down to the fact playing on this server is very much frustrating me right now. I'm on day 24 of outstanding plot requests (I was on mumble, the requests have been known for some time). I was already considering placing a 1 month limit (30 days) after which I just give up. I log in today and find the new update has stripped all the enchants from the tools, weapons, and armor I have for sale. Most people know I've been doing two things; being a merchant and building rails. It'd be like logging in and finding something like Bastion leveled by the update, all that effort gone. Perhaps a rollback will fix it, perhaps not. The problem is add this to the existing level of frustration already due to existing issues and I'm about at my limit. I can neither continue the rails nor sell items that already had literally hours of time put into enchanting.

I'm checking in pretty much once a day to see if things are resolved but right now I don't consider it worth the stress and frustration as I re-enchant for several hours or stand around unable to continue building the rail.

I may (or may not) take a longer break... we'll see.

Regardless I feel a sense of obligation to friends and players here. I didn't start building the rails to the condos for my own use. I don't even have a condo out where I'm going. It's purely for a sense of helping the community. For these reasons if I do decide to quit altogether I'll make sure to put in an admin request to have Haven and Hyrule turned over to someone else; almost certainly Marxim if he'll take it since he's my partner. That way the Marketplace, Haven rail line, and Hyrule won't be sitting dead after I leave.
I can only imagine the amount of enchanted items you lost given yhow much time you put into it. I personally lost enchants for 3 eff 3/ub4 picks, 3 eff3/ub4/f3, 3 or 4 silk touches with various enchants, a couple nice swords, and armor. Not sure if a rollback would resolve the issue or not. On the plus side of things, I believe we can now purchase premium plots via website instead of having to address thru Ozy/Woot :D
That all sounds very frustrating! I've lost so much on this server I'm not sure I want to invest much time and effort into it any more (although I've started playing again in the last few days) so I know where you're coming from.

Incidentally, I just noticed that Great Southern Rail not far from my condo today and used it! Thanks very much for that, it makes the server not seem to suck quite as much now - I hate the whole mining world thing, but at least with your rail it's not so hard to get there! Is there anything I can contribute (other than credits) to the project? e.g. digging of holes :)
Thats super sad to hear Teircen, I have been amazed at the amount of work you have put into this server and it will be a worse place without you. That being said I was wondering if you could add Palanthus to havens neighbor list as I cannot purchase my last piece of land to complete my port. Thanks alot and I hope everything gets resolved for you with no more frustration. Peace
Oh, and don't forget, the holiday season can be pretty busy, some people travel, so maybe it will take longer to get responses :(
I too lost several enchanted items. So yeah, I know how it feels. I believe Brighton, Haven, and Bastion (and perhaps WH), all have been waiting for almost a month now for land requests. It is quite frustrating, I must say.
Personally, I haven't been waiting for land for a while-but I haven't requested any either. I do distinctly remember waiting over two months for the first set of premium plots I wanted.

If you want to see the progress happen and you really don't care about ownership of the plots, you can always send me the credits and I will use them solely for those rails, and grant you build rights, ofc. WorldHub has already claimed up to the north edge of the southeast condos, just waiting on more credits before we continue - and work on the rails themselves will start as soon as the first phase of the Northern Line is complete (I can't really work on it right now, but in 4-5 days it will be done).

To connect our line to yours, we'd need 4500 credits (and neighbour rights of course).
Sonic has said that you can now purchase plots via the launch system within the protected zones.

Not sure if this solves issues with buying close to condos.
Not making threats. Not even really just a rant to blow off steam. I just have a number of friends here and I don't want to just disappear entirely without letting people know where/why. I could provide a detailed list of reasons why but ultimately it comes down to the fact playing on this server is very much frustrating me right now. I'm on day 24 of outstanding plot requests (I was on mumble, the requests have been known for some time). I was already considering placing a 1 month limit (30 days) after which I just give up. I log in today and find the new update has stripped all the enchants from the tools, weapons, and armor I have for sale. Most people know I've been doing two things; being a merchant and building rails. It'd be like logging in and finding something like Bastion leveled by the update, all that effort gone. Perhaps a rollback will fix it, perhaps not. The problem is add this to the existing level of frustration already due to existing issues and I'm about at my limit. I can neither continue the rails nor sell items that already had literally hours of time put into enchanting.

I'm checking in pretty much once a day to see if things are resolved but right now I don't consider it worth the stress and frustration as I re-enchant for several hours or stand around unable to continue building the rail.

I may (or may not) take a longer break... we'll see.

Regardless I feel a sense of obligation to friends and players here. I didn't start building the rails to the condos for my own use. I don't even have a condo out where I'm going. It's purely for a sense of helping the community. For these reasons if I do decide to quit altogether I'll make sure to put in an admin request to have Haven and Hyrule turned over to someone else; almost certainly Marxim if he'll take it since he's my partner. That way the Marketplace, Haven rail line, and Hyrule won't be sitting dead after I leave.

And i bought those picks from you....
and haven't used them yet...