O hai


New Member
I suppose I oughta introduce myself, now that I'm /actually/ active on here-... Ish. Anyways, my name is Zyro Gecko. If you don't like that, I also go by Aztec, Bloom, and occasionally my real name, which is Karl.

I live in Saudi Arabia at the moment, so my hours may be a little harder to pin down. Despite this, I am from America (Far south Texas, specifically), and like to think I'm pretty literate in English, though I know almost no other languages. (Though I am fluent in basic C++)

On the interwebs, I usually use the username AztecTornado, and can be found on Steam as such. This is where I spend most of my freetime, playing around in various indie games, and occasionally mainstream ones... But let's face it, indie is cheaper, and usually more fun anyways, so usually those are neglected.

...Watch out for Incredible Reggie.
Welcome, we hope you enjoy your stay here, cause you are stuck to us like easy to peel off glue for the rest of your life.
Welcome to Team9000! Enjoy your stay, for you stay here forever.
Ohhh I think I've seen you somewhere before...

Ah yes, here it is...

Long live Karl! (Although I think it's spelled Carl for this but whatevers, welcome to T9k!)
Ohhh I think I've seen you somewhere before...

Ah yes, here it is...

Long live Karl! (Although I think it's spelled Carl for this but whatevers, welcome to T9k!)
as a long time friend of zyro's, you do not imagine how hard it is to not call him like that over mumble or skype