Oddworld: New N' Tasty


Well-Known Member
Hello all. I know this is probably gonna end up being a smaller thread, seeing as the Oddworld fanbase has dwindled over the years (sad since Abe was one a PlayStation Hero in the PS1 days).

When I was little, the first video game besides Pokemon Yellow I had ever played was Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee. I loved guiding our little Mudokon friend Abe through the treacherous meat processing plant of Rupture Farms. I enjoyed dodging trigger-happy Sligs, hungry Slogs, and fearless Scrabs. I loved having to save our 99 Mudokon friends from becoming ground-up meat also. I still have the game to this day.

But recently, they released Oddworld: New N' Tasty on Steam for $20. It's an HD Remake of the first game, giving you an additional 200 Mudokons to save, a health bar (can be removed), and better gamespeak options and Shrykull uses. Here's a short trailer of the game:

I just wanted to get the word out to any people who had played the original Oddworld games or even the newer ones.
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I remember playing the original game years ago on an old CRT monitor. It was a real piece of shit. Undoubtedly a fantastic game, but difficult enough to make a younger me want to throw a wrench through my monitor. Now that I'm older and have played the HD remake, I feel a sense of appreciation for the original release.

Anyone who has or hasn't played the original, I highly recommend you to pick up this release. If you're a fan of difficult platform's, this game is for you.
I found this funny gameplay video. It's pretty vulgar, but other than that it's hilarious.

I was gonna put it on my first post, but sor some reason I couldn't :/