Official Forum Rules

Obivously not, i'm at 2k posts strong and still trollin strong.
I Still think you should have a more prestigious title than "well-known member" Maybe something like "The Local Forum Troll" or just " Enter suggestion Here "
Really not reviving the thread because it is stickied.
Oh dear, i seam to have made quite a mess:gentlemen:

I fergot what the first post was, didnt know it was stickied cause i remember this thread from such a long time ago.

I think i need to read more
The REAL Rule #1: Nikki always wins.
Even when she loses, she has won. This rule has been long standing and proven time and time again. T9K knows, for T9K is omnipotent and wise. There is no denying.

since you are right, is it possible for you to be wrong ?