Oh 4chan, you so funny

Oh, this one is hilarious (Kinda long)
I have read thousands of books, read thousands of stories, seen hundreds of war movies of men being shot and there flesh being burned, ive seen movies on the holocaust and I have been through death in my family but I never cried.....that story... made me cry for the first time in I don't know how long... ;(
What is really sad is the sick individual that sat there and thought up a story like that from a dog's perspective just to get reactions out of people over the internet.
you really should have put this as a spoiler with a warning
Sorry, probably should've thought of that beforehand :(
ah, its best to use [ spoiler=insert warning here]insert spoiler here[/spoiler]
delete the space between the bracket and "spoiler"
insert spoiler here
Really, the point of this thread is suppose to be FUNNY pictures, not sad ones. Good story though, sad, but good.

I was browsing /b/. There was a fat porn thread. Someone made this joke: I heard fat chicks were a ton of fun.



(this is like the first time I browsed on /b/

I was browsing /b/. There was a fat porn thread. Someone made this joke: I heard fat chicks were a ton of fun.



(this is like the first time I browsed on /b/
I went to /b/ for the first time in two years yesterday, after 5 minutes I ended up at this video on youtube...