Ohai! :DDDDD


New Member
Hello everybody!
I'm na_naki! I joined the community for play minecraft and have a good time and fun together!

I hope we can be friends and stuff!

Thanks! ;D <3
Welcome to Team 9000! As long as you have fun and follow the rules, you should get along with almost everyone. Also, this:

Welcome to Team9000!
My name is that_taco_guy,
but you can call me "Taco".
I hope you enjoy your stay here at our Community, also remember we also host a variety of servers on other games too!
You can check that out here, or check the Servers tab in the links at the top of the page.

Be safe and have fun,
Welcome to Team9000!
My name is Donvittorio,
but you can call me "Don".
I hope you enjoy your stay here at our Community, also remember we also host a variety of servers on other games too!
You can check that out here, or check the Servers tab in the links at the top of the page.

Be safe and have fun,
Welcome to Team9000!
My name is Fdebijl,
but you can call me "Debby" if you cant prenounce my name.
I hope you enjoy your stay here at our Community, also remember we also host a variety of servers on other games too!
You can check that out here, or check the Servers tab in the links at the top of the page.

Be safe and have fun,
Welcome to Team9000!
My name is Squirley_Guy,
but you can call me "Squirley_Guy" :P (I actually don't care what you call me, as long as it has to do with squirrels and/or guys)
I hope you enjoy your stay here at our Community, also remember we also host a variety of servers on other games too!
You can check that out here, or check the Servers tab in the links at the top of the page.

Be safe and have fun,
Welcome to Team9000!
My name is Donvittorio,
but you can call me "Don".
I hope you enjoy your stay here at our Community, also remember we also host a variety of servers on other games too!
You can check that out here, or check the Servers tab in the links at the top of the page.

Be safe and have fun,
Welcome to Team9000!
My name is Fdebijl,
but you can call me "Debby" if you cant prenounce my name.
I hope you enjoy your stay here at our Community, also remember we also host a variety of servers on other games too!
You can check that out here, or check the Servers tab in the links at the top of the page.

Be safe and have fun,
Welcome to Team9000!
My name is Squirley_Guy,
but you can call me "Squirley_Guy" :P (I actually don't care what you call me, as long as it has to do with squirrels and/or guys)
I hope you enjoy your stay here at our Community, also remember we also host a variety of servers on other games too!
You can check that out here, or check the Servers tab in the links at the top of the page.

Be safe and have fun,
Welcome to Team9000!
My name is Clayto1332
but you can call me "Clayto".
I hope you enjoy your stay here at our Community, also remember we also host a variety of servers on other games too!
You can check that out here, or check the Servers tab in the links at the top of the page.

Be safe and have fun,
Welcome to Team9000!
My name is Ustulo
but you can call me "Ustulo."
I hope you enjoy minecraft with us, and remember, if you see me in-game, don't let me get TNT.
Have fun with us, and remember, no hacking!

Have fun and play with explosives,
Team9000 welcomes You!

I am mcfar45 (but just call me mcfar).

I hope you enjoy your time with us and remember that we play other games and we have a mumble server! Check out all the info in the wiki :D

See you around the servers!
Team9000 welcomes You!

I amBoyHimas (but just call me Himas).

I hope you enjoy your time with us and remember that we play other games and we have a mumble server! Check out all the info in the wiki

See you around the servers!

Welcome to Team9000!
My name is Shadowwolf,
but you can call me "Shadowwolf"
I hope you enjoy your stay here at our Community, also remember we also host a variety of servers on other games too!
You can check that out here, or check the Servers tab in the links at the top of the page.

Be safe and have fun,

I like the builds on your cool application