Ohai! :DDDDD

My name is "flashflame8"
You can call me either "flash" or "flame" dont really care.
Im a builder in classic. If you need any help dont mind to ask me.
have fun!
Welcome to Team9000!
My name is Vorsprung,
and you can call me Vorsprung 'cos that's my name.
I hope you enjoy your stay here at our Community, also remember we also host a variety of servers on other games too! Yes, it's not just Minecraft, contrary to popular belief.
You can check that out here, or check the Servers tab in the links at the top of the page. Also, I'd pop on Mumble (the speech chat for T9K) if you want to get known.

Try not to get killed and have ridiculous amounts of fun,
- Vors.
I like trains...

I love lamp