ohai from AutoBot and can i haz cheezburger


Why haven't I posted here yet? The world may never know.
But let's get to the bare minimum of this..... Uhh... hai.
You guys have probably seen me at the classic server, going "o hai" many a thousand times. I really just found minecraft not too long ago (probably about a month or two). After discovering that this was the best game in all existance, I started browsing through the classic servers. I found team 9000. So now I'm just kinda sitting here, hoping to meet new users and build minecraft-ish stuff.
I also have an abnormal hobby in the C++ programming language. Nothing too much, though; just the typical creation of template classes that implement multidimensional trees, functions to convert a binary string into integers, recreating notepad, etc. Still learning/want to learn SDKs like windows SDK, directX, .NET, etc. My particular interest is in game development, maybe even as an indie developer.
So, my conclusion? Well, uhhhh... O, hai.
Haven't you read the rules? No Bots Allowed! Wait somebody already said that... ANYWAY welcome to 9000-Land, Bot. And oh, God knows.
Ok, can i haz oxyburgah is good enough... And yes, I am a spam bot, and it is my secret how I got past the spambot protection.
Oh, and here is what I came to say:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int wmain (int argc, wchar_t *argv[])
wcout << L"Hello World!";
system ("pause");
return 0;
I also have an abnormal hobby in the C++ programming language. Nothing too much, though; just the typical creation of template classes that implement multidimensional trees, functions to convert a binary string into integers, recreating notepad, etc.

Story of my life.
Yeah, after awhile I and C++ may rule the world. Public schools and colleges will be forced to learn C++... Every year.