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One glorious year!


Well-Known Member
May the 4th be with you.

Hello Team9000!
As you all probably know, I am MoleManMike.
I am a Builder rank on classic and I am also Team9000’s self-proclaimed Official Builder.
I am an assistant in the Minecraft Survival town of Shroomville which is currently dormant (the town is dead) like the stealthy mushroom of which it is named after.

I enjoy a range of games such as; Minecraft Classic, Minecraft Survival, Team Fortress 2, Aion, Ace of Spades, Dota 2 and a number of other games of which some are on Steam, ps2, ps3 or Wii. I also enjoy some older arcade games which I play on an emulator. I recently got killing floor and hope to start playing that soon.

Anyway, enough information about me. I can do that in a different blog posting.
The purpose of this blog post (Which I might also note is my first) is to celebrate my one year anniversary with Team9000! And what a wonderful year it has been!
I entered the community of Team9000 through Minecraft Classic one year ago today.
On a day commonly known as “Star Wars Day”, hence the blog title.
Being a noob, I remember entering the classic server with wonder as to what the hell this game called minecraft is. Unlike the typical guest I had more smarts and common sense than a monkey in a coma, so I was able to navigate my way to the guest world and figure out what commands I had access to by myself (ub3r 1337). I then proceeded to derp around a bit, built a wicked awesome house in the sky, got griefed, spleefed, and helped some others build random derpy stuff that guests build. Of course being a guest I had to maintain some sort of the typical behaviour of a guest so I reported my grief, appealing to “Grandliberator the admin” for help through the chat. This mistake got a lot of laughs from the admins that were on at the time and so begun my journey into Team9000!


I probably wouldn’t be who I am or still be in Team9000 if it weren’t for a few people in T9K.
If I miss you tell me and I will write about you.

Madcart – Thank you for providing endless mysteries to ponder while stroking my imaginary beard. Many a day had gone by before I met you that I often wondered; “How can I break my brain multiple times in one conversation?” and I could not find a solution. For Swedish lessons, Jag ar kungen av mullvadar!

Mikeymagic – OI! I don’t even know. For being inside my brain somehow at random points and for unknowingly letting me into his. Co-Derper in unravelling the Madcart Code, the brilliant mayor of Shroomville, Team9000’s Official User. We have so many random things that no-one understands it is almost like a new language. For all the fucking hilarious shit that has happened. For the shouting and the laughing. For the most I have laughed ever (maybe but I’m sure the real most would also be some random time with you) when you put the town centre in “the wrong place!!!”. So many other countless times of hilarity. Squishy not going to school, max made me put this here, you on shrooms, me when I had no sleep.
ALL the wizzles.
ALL the wozzles.
w? and? Quell. 12 hello? Yes.

Wooty – Wooty you are brilliant.
Thank you for this whole community. It’s the best EVAR.
Just letting you know I really appreciate all the things; servers, coding, website, mumble.
Thanks for all the clues, all the bluffs, and yes, for Max making you put things in places.

Mcfar45 – To a guy who can always provide me with some sort of random fact. Also a person who is (mostly) always the voice of reason in our conversations. Mcflaps, Mcfart, Mcflurry, Mcflea, and Mcnear. The kick-happy awesome who is always happy to help with questions and conundrums.
BTW Mcfar – Nexuiz works now!!!

Casham – For being an ever-present coconut in T9K and for making one of the SCARIEST Aion characters EVER (Burn it with fire!). Awesome Australian.

Conrod – One of the most awesome English people I know. Good day old chap! Tally ho!

That_taco_guy – An amazing singer whose name is to do with an amazing food. What more could you want?

Tshinotu145 – For playing AoS with me and helping me build the super-secret waffle base. For being awesome. Derping around on a prison server on survival. Glitching through walls. You are amazing.

<3 <3 <3

NOTE: Yes, I realise that this blog post is late.
I have been ridiculously busy with school and other stuff.
+generally being me means that I am going to masturbate procrastinate.

I was limited for time to write this so I may have missed some people. <3
I read these blog posts and see lists. Every single one of them, I am never on. I have made no significant impact in anyone's life. Kind of saddening really.
Why are you posting things from 10 days in the past? Next time try posting from 10 days in the future to even things out.
Revenge of the FIfth. I shall now present you with a congratulatory cak-

Damnit! (You read that in Soldier's voice)
@Jerzey/Evie (You are the same person) <3 <3 <3 Jerzey that is because you don't need to be mentioned. You are a universal constant of awesomeness.
@dmax Thankyou dmax for always being realistic. You remind me that not all things should be taken seriously. But most of the time they should. Very seriously. Even the most simple fun game. SERIOUS. SEEERIOUUSSS.

@Pixiel. With respect, shutup you beautiful thing! <3 <3 <3 ALL the love! You sly minx!

@Vorsprung You don't understand madcart and yet, you think that you do. I pity you.
Also; Nice hair, pyro skills and guitar playing ability. From Team9000's official builder, molemanmike.

@Chiba WHAT IS THAT. DOFUS BADGER. What is happening?!!?
Ahhhh! The badgers are attacking! Fire the snorepeedos! zzzzz.... zzz... BOOM.
<3 In memory of our 4000 block trip with only a flint/steel, bucket of water, no food and a boat. <3

@Donvittorio The most awesomest hungarian russian serbian latvian that I know!
Amazing music. Hot steamy douche. Awwww yeaaaah.
<3 messing around man kid mike.

@mrfrog90, kc006, Vincent2128; For not speaking EVER. EVER. EVERRRRRR.
Do it. Speak. Go on. Do it.

@Patchouli. You don't speak either but I don't mind. You make up for it with your amazingness and your ability to somehow lure minecraft animals and get them to do whatever you want.
<3 <3 <3

@AznInvazn You do some really amazing mixes. Some of yours have been the best I have ever heard.
You da asian big boii. Loo likka lee bo wa!
Moley, I can't believe that you've been with T9K for a full year and have yet to do something that makes the community collapse unto itself.

But anyway, congrats. :)