One man's mission to make a game.


Active Member
Alright, here's the deal: I have until this monday to make a simple game that I can show off to ninth graders that will visit my school(Lyceum) on monday. The final rehersal is on this friday. So, at the time of writing this, I have little more then 2 days to make something that I can present to the staff, to show off my progress, and I have 5 days until it actually has to be done.
The reasons I'm doing this are simple. My school needs money to stay afloat. If you've been watching the news, the european economy isn't doing too awfully well, ya know. Anyhow, my school has been promised money by the local government, on the condition that it can attract more students to start here next year. This will be done by hosting a 'open house' at the school, meaning all students in the ninth grade in the local area must make a visit to this school, and all current students in my school are encouraged to do everything they can to entertain the ninth grader guests, and encourage them to start here next year. This is where the game comes in.

So the game is a 2d top-down naval warfare game... (at this point most readers leave)...where you control a ship that's fighting an enemy ship. You present your broadside to the enemy and fire the cannons until your enemy is destroyed.
The game will have a historical aspect to it, portraying a historical naval battle during or around the 18th century, (this is where the readers return) back when naval battles were awesome.
There would be 2 factions to pick from, and they have to have had a naval battle against eachother. The candidate's I'm considering are: Britain(ofcourse) vs. either France, Thirteen Colonies, Spain or Napoleonic France.

The part where you people come in is when the game is complete, you'll be able to play it for free and waste 5 minutes of your life before you get bored to hell.
First on the priorities list is ofcourse the engine, before all the visual stuffs come into place.
Right now you can fire your cannons into a passing ship, turn your ship around, but not much more else.

So, yeah, uhm... Expect updates I guess?

Flaming your thread bro.