One Word Story

"The end is never far away for pineapples and coconuts I will eated your soul and cookies except robot always win against ponyies potatoes really are people that go blargargh daily. Gooby pls try space warfare grand a Antidisestablishmentarianism lasagne is just awful what does this furby mean? Why was there a dragon in his tighty whites again? Gooby put that teapot down my scootish knockers. Who ate Tofurkey? I can eat almost anything when a waffle flying toaster explodes. What even I don't even. Just die like nyan lizard Cat forver. Who wants your cookies? That milkshake brings jazzy joy to happy people? Yes. Die! Buckminsterfullerene died. Which was awkward like really cool the brave. I'm a person."


Fucking poetry.