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oozinator's LTS whitelist application


Well-Known Member
1. In-Game Name: oozinator
2. Why do you want to join?: I think you guys are awesome, and I believe I can get a lot accomplished with such a supportive community. That, and the voices in my head tell me to.
3. If you're new to Team9000, how did you find us?: I didn't find Team9000. Team9000 found me. O_O
4. T9K Friends on Minecraft: https://uploads.team9000.net/mcusers.php
5. Have you ever been banned? If so, why?: Only once. My oozy essence apparently is a teratogen, resulting in the ban. The ban was lifted when it was learned that my oozy essence apparently enhances bust size in women with moderate exposure.
6. Do you understand that if a friend/sibling borrows your account and breaks a rule, you will be held responsible?: Yes. No promises for my sentient pet queen ant though.

isn't your friend