Operation Black March


Well-Known Member
Operation Black March.jpg
Couldn't hurt to try. But a whole month? Can we at least go to the library? (Yes, those still exist)
This is useless, since almost no one is gonna follow that.
You obviously have no idea of the internet. This image was posted, after 1 hours it was retweeted/shared/+1'd over 10.000 times. This is going to be huge. But if you don't believe it, not my problem. :)
been doing this for a year now, ( except torrents of course )

EDIT: never mind I bought half-life 2 during Christmas :O
You obviously have no idea of the internet. This image was posted, after 1 hours it was retweeted/shared/+1'd over 10.000 times. This is going to be huge. But if you don't believe it, not my problem. :)

I really admire your confidence but people tend to be hypocritical and lazy. While this may be a fantastic idea now, most people will have completely forgotten about it by the time March comes around. Also, everyone will just start to buy all the things they have been abstinent on in April, so there really wouldn't be that much of a loss in it for the 'big companies'.

But hey, if you believe in the success of it - you've gotta start somewhere and who knows, maybe the Internet's going to prove me wrong :)
I really admire your confidence but people tend to be hypocritical and lazy. While this may be a fantastic idea now, most people will have completely forgotten about it by the time March comes around. Also, everyone will just start to buy all the things they have been abstinent on in April, so there really wouldn't be that much of a loss in it for the 'big companies'.

But hey, if you believe in the succes of it - you've gotta start somewhere and who knows, maybe the Internet's going to prove me wrong :)
Honest reply. :)

You're probably right, it won't work out, but still, if we do something, the chance that something changes is bigger as if we did nothing. Because every chance is bigger as no chance. And that's why I believe this message should be spread. Not because it'll work so good, but because I believe in this small chance. So please spread the word!
This was a pretty unrealistic idea from the start. A handful of people putting a tiny dent in profit margins for big corporations really won't do much.
I really admire your confidence but people tend to be hypocritical and lazy. While this may be a fantastic idea now, most people will have completely forgotten about it by the time March comes around. Also, everyone will just start to buy all the things they have been abstinent on in April, so there really wouldn't be that much of a loss in it for the 'big companies'.

But hey, if you believe in the success of it - you've gotta start somewhere and who knows, maybe the Internet's going to prove me wrong :)
Aren't you the kid who said I was the one who grierfed alot of the outlands during my Eagle Pass permit? >.>
W/e I don't hold grudges :3