Oreo what is it?


"Much of current Oreo production is done at the Kraft/Nabisco factory in Richmond, Virginia. Oreo cookies for the Asian markets are manufactured in Indonesia, India and China. Oreo cookies for Europe are made in Spain and in Ukraine for consumers in several CIS countries. Oreo cookies sold in Australia are manufactured in China or Spain depending on flavor."

If you live in the United States, your Oreos are produced here. Therefore, Jerzey is correct, considering he lives in the GODDAMNED UNITED STATES OF MOTEHRFUCKING AMERICA!
'Straya stronk

I can totally see Ben Franklin or Alexander Hamilton yelling this. They seem like that kind of guy.

My confusion is the definition of cookie and biscuit. If most of Europelandia (and you Aussies) considers what us Americanians to be cookies to be biscuits, then what is a cookie to a European? It couldn't possibly be a Fig Newton! Fig Newtons are simply fruit and cake.

I googl'd "European Cookie" and this is the first hit I got:

I then did another googley search for "American Cookie" and this is the result:

After wiping away the slobber and putting in a request for a new monitor (this one has too many teeth marks), I've come to the conclusion that European cookies are clearly full of themselves.
It is a "sandwich" cookie. the "bread" of this "sandwich" is two thin chocolate cookies and the "filler" or "insides" of the cookie is a white vanilla creme that is between the two cookies. Thus being all together making them into the "sandwich" cookie we are talking about.
It's a test.

If you observe someone eating a pack of oreos and if he/she doesn't take at least 1 oreo, split it and rake the white creamy bit off the surface with his/her teeth, you can most certainly conclude that they have no soul, or humanity. I call them the 1%.
I guess this is proof of my lack of a soul.
Actually they're made in China nowadays,
From Chinese milk,
Which we all know is full of questionable shit
Which does nasty things

Not so US after all

I don't buy Oreos because they don't taste nice any more and because I'm racist

Occasionally I buy Double Stuf ones because they're made in Spain and so I think about oranges
Oranges are nice

Actually, all food imported from foreign countries must pass ALL standards for US consumption as if they were made here. That includes quality control on the ingredients as well as food safety and all that jazz.
Actually, all food imported from foreign countries must pass ALL standards for US consumption as if they were made here. That includes quality control on the ingredients as well as food safety and all that jazz.
Not as if US food safety laws are particularly strict.
I mean, there was also the 2006 formalin food scandal where various chemicals that had the nasty habit of causing death were found in dog food all over the States and elsewhere.
Reason? Food was imported from China and was filled with things like formalin to cut costs and to make it look as if the food had more nutritional content than it did. Wasn't checked by US authorities and many, many pets died.

Granted that it's pet food but the 2008 milk scenario too affected people outside of China. Australia has fairly comprehensive food safety regulations but even then kids were getting sick from eating Asian candies made with Chinese milk.

Regulations have become stricter since then but it is always a good idea to read the label twice. I'm no racist but some areas of the world have particularly poor agricultural and processing practices, China being a main culprit. Chinese vegetables are often grown in farms fertilized by human excrement, which is not tasteful.

But back to Oreos: I like them but Oreos in Australia are made in China, which is questionable. Some variants are made in Spain, but that's not necessarily reassuring - a swap from China to Spain must have some motivation behind it on the part of Nabisco. Is it just as cheap to produce them in Spain? Or are there other issues?

Until then, I'll eat Tiny Teddies because they're 100% made in fuckin' 'Straya, taste delightful, and it's just fun being able to torture a biscuit.
Bite off the legs so they can't run away
Bite off the arms so he can't fight back
Rip out his eyes so he can't see what's coming
Disembowel and repeat
Until then, I'll eat Tiny Teddies because they're 100% made in fuckin' 'Straya, taste delightful, and it's just fun being able to torture a biscuit.
Bite off the legs so they can't run away
Bite off the arms so he can't fight back
Rip out his eyes so he can't see what's coming
Disembowel and repeat

Sounds like these: