Osama Bin Laden found dead


Well-Known Member
Osama Bin Laden has been killed in a Spec Ops mision in Pakistan. Justice has been served for those affected by 9/11. What do you guys think? I am excited, because now we are one step closer to ending the war.
I don't think this changes anything. I'm pretty sure this is going to be attributed to Obama. Like him or hate him, he really didn't have anything to do with this. He gave the order, but that was an easy one to give. I would have had a harder time picking a drink at the pop machine than that.
This is just going to enrage the terrorists... stopping the spread of fundamentalist beliefs is key to ending terrorism... imo this should be done by improving the quality of life in places like Pakistan and Afghanistan
Osama Bin Laden has been killed in a Spec Ops mision in Pakistan. Justice has been served for those affected by 9/11. What do you guys think? I am excited, because now we are one step closer to ending the war.
Yes, one step closer. It also discourages them. However, due to what they believe (martyr deaths and all, mind you that the koran says noting about murder, just dying a martyr. Something like that, so they are taking it out of context...where was I?), oh ya, they might just be more resistant...

keeping the body may be a very bad idea for national security =/
Meh, we will just beef up security for the next couple months. Something probably will go down though, I hope not though.
imo this shouldn't have been posted here because this is a gaming community, being American and being proud as hell of all of our troops and the troops of other Countries throughout the world I still find this unnecessary, even in the off topic section. Politic discussions such as this and Gaming should be kept separate unless it is directly related to a game. It's a subject that should be discussed elsewhere.

imo this shouldn't have been posted here because this is a gaming community, being American and being proud as hell of all of our troops and the troops of other Countries throughout the world I still find this unnecessary, even in the off topic section. Politic discussions such as this and Gaming should be kept separate unless it is directly related to a game. It's a subject that should be discussed elsewhere.

I disagree. A well rounded community should be able to talk about things like this. Now if people here were screaming republican and democrat I think that would be a different story. This thread isn't filled with propaganda, we're merely discussing our opinions on a world event.
I disagree. A well rounded community should be able to talk about things like this. Now if people here were screaming republican and democrat I think that would be a different story. This thread isn't filled with propaganda, we're merely discussing our opinions on a world event.

I agree, somewhat, but that is usually what it will lead too in the end. I have been driven from many places because of political debates, I just don't want it to happen here, I love it too much here. <3
:dynamite: There is an Osama Bin Laden thread in literally every forum I have visited today. Though I don't wonder why, people are pretty excited.
I disagree. A well rounded community should be able to talk about things like this. Now if people here were screaming republican and democrat I think that would be a different story. This thread isn't filled with propaganda, we're merely discussing our opinions on a world event.

I completely agree. If Team 9000 truly is a well rounded community, we should be able to respect each other's beliefs over a world event that truly is significant. We are merely discussing (what forums are for), not fighting in a heated argument.