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Overworld kicking again...


Active Member
There's already a ticket made.
Same issue as before with the bad packet error screen.

We saw 2 reboot countdowns come and go without an actual reboot.
Woot logged in and said he's moved the reboots to 12 hours.
About 15 minutes later everyone was kicked from Overworld.

It's the same as last time where people seem to hit a bad chunk or something and are kicked.
Whenever someone in one of these areas logs in everyone in the Overworld is kicked.
Mining World and nether are safe from being kicked.
In fact, once there, you can see who's kicking everyone. As soon as said person logs in everyone in Overworld is immediately kicked.

If you try to log in but don't even make it to a point where you see the game world... if it goes from logging in straight to the error screen... odds are you're one of the people. No matter how many times you try and log in you won't make it past the error, you'll just keep kicking anyone else trying to get out of the Overworld. You won't be able to reconnect until the next reboot.

Sadly, the Spawn building (major portions of it at least) are affected by this. If you die or /suicide the moment you start moving pretty much you become one of the afflicted.

If you're going to get to Mining World or nether I suggest avoiding going through the Spawn building. Just go around and enter the derelict mineshaft building from the bay next to it. I've done that multiple times, it works.
It looks like a bug with beacons may be the cause of the problem. If Woot or Ozy sees this, could you temporarily remove the beacon blocks? Many thanks.
Yeah it's not the beacons either, as there are two beacons in the mining world. Otherwise the mining world would crash too.