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Owl City Applications! =]

Owl City is currently accepting resident applications that will be reviewed for people seeking a safe place to call home. Located on the left side of the map close to the edge of the world, we are in a swampy and flat area with a river passing through the town. Now you may ask, what are the required rules I must accept?

1] No griefing period.
2] No stealing period.
3] Ask for permission before you borrow someones item/items.
4] Be respectful to other town member's build's, no mean comments on their works of art.
5] You don't have to be an amazing builder, but be as creative as you can be, just be yourself, make an awesome house/building and environment for your plot :D
6] No floating objects/structures, t9k server doesn't allow these so we must follow the server's rules.
7] Make sure there are no holes where someone can get stuck or die.
8] Killing or trapping players is not allowed, a safe environment is needed to ensure the safety of our residents.
9] Trees taken from our tree farm must be replaced with saplings, that applies to all other harvested public crops/trees owned in the town
10] If you see a slime and have time, kill it A.S.A.P., SLIMES ARE GROSS YUCK! eternal fapping sounds >:\ if you want to keep a slime as a pet, see one of the Town's admins for approval and you MUST cage it :3
11] Want to build a barn on your plot? speak to a town admin for approval! =]
12] Find a monster spawner on your plot? or in a mineshaft close to our town? Contact a town admin quick!
13] Inactive players gone for over a month will be subject to removal.
14] Be respectful! (this applies to everyone, not just our town members)
15] Don't kill another player's pets/animals.
Quick side note
Owl City will be constructing a rail road line to spawn for easier travel, the railroad may be connected with Winter Hold's rail line in the future and near by neighboring towns.

More rules will be added if needed, these are the basic rules of Owl City, people are expected to be respectful and follow rules. If rules are broken, the member will be given a warning or possibly be kicked from the town.
Questions for your Application are listed below:

1) How creative are your builds?:

2) Are you an active player?:

3) How well do you get along with people in general?:

4) What is your favorite season and color?:

5) Do you like Owls? :3:

6) Are you a serious type of player, or a have fun type of player?:

7) Do you work better alone or with others?:

8) Anything else you'd like to add:

Please check to make sure you read through the application fully, fill it out and submit a thread reply with your survey complete for review, only the questions and answers are needed so copy and past the questions with the answers. At the end of your application you can add any personal/non personal note if you may like or something about yourself.

Cheers! Brought to you by Owl City, where creativity fills the air =]

Town Admins: Smackthatpinata and Detrimental_One
1) How creative are your builds?: I think they are pretty creative. I am about to rebuild my condo plot as an art inspired tree house. :)

2) Are you an active player?: Yes i go onto T9K almost everyday.

3) How well do you get along with people in general?: Yes you can ask the people of T9K I have never given anyone any trouble what so ever.

4) What is your favorite season and color?: My favorite season has to be Fall. My favorite color has to be blue. :)

5) Do you like Owls? :3: Yes they are very fascinating creatures! :D

6) Are you a serious type of player, or a have fun type of player?: I think I am a have fun type of player, I am not really so serious about things like mining, and selling things. I would rather go out and have fun, do fun things. :)

7) Do you work better alone or with others?: Truly I think I work better alone. That is just how I have always been. Mainly because I have OCD. But if required, I can work with other people.

8) Anything else you'd like to add: I love Owl City's music, and it is on all my playlists, and I listen to their music while I am playing Minecraft. I am assuming that is who you named the town after, unless you just came up with the name. :)

I hope you accept my application, I do have on question though, how much are you charging for entry fee, and plot fee? :) See you on t9k MC!
I ask this question so many times to so many people,
All these people,
Who are not people
Well who are you? cause I dont know you yet, I know oozinator, Teircen, Conrad, Mrfrog, Clayto and a bunch of other ppl, I have not seen your name before. Nice to meet you, and you've left your first impresssion. Cheers.
Well who are you? cause I dont know you yet, I know oozinator, Teircen, Conrad, Mrfrog, Clayto and a bunch of other ppl, I have not seen your name before. Nice to meet you, and you've left your first impresssion. Cheers.
Search the forums.
Ping my name,
Look at the profile,
The internet
For my

And it will say I am Vorsprung,
And I'm the best.

Also I made WorldHub,
Hah that's funny,
But yeah.
Search the forums.
Ping my name,
Look at the profile,
The internet
For my

And it will say I am Vorsprung,
And I'm the best.

Also I made WorldHub,
Hah that's funny,
But yeah.

Cool, I never try to get attention, or try to make myself known to the whole website, and just because you two dont know me dosent mean I am a nobody, saying your the best is too cocky but hey you believe what you want, this thread was just for people that wanted to apply to an organized town in t9k minecraft survival. I took the comments rudely and sence you have a big ego that makes it seem bad too. If your legit just being yourself and not trying to be a jerk I'll respect your character. No hard feelings. Cheers.
Cool, I never try to get attention, or try to make myself known to the whole website, and just because you two dont know me dosent mean I am a nobody, saying your the best is too cocky but hey you believe what you want, this thread was just for people that wanted to apply to an organized town in t9k minecraft survival. I took the comments rudely and sence you have a big ego that makes it seem bad too. If your legit just being yourself and not trying to be a jerk I'll respect your character. No hard feelings. Cheers.
I'm assuming you're talking to vorsprung?

I love you.
yeah I posted a reply to his reply o.o
He isn't acting, that is how he is. You will learn to get used to him.

Also, these comments about "who even are you?" are because these members have been around for a long time and seeing someone posting a town application thread who isn't very well known can be quite a shock. We've had some pretty flimsy towns in the past so some people tend to ask questions before seeing results.

I for one have never heard of you either, but you seem nice.


what kinda question is that lmao, just click my profile page. I took it as if you meant it to be rude my apologies if you were being serious but its that simple, just like my profile page and I'm obviously a t9k member. Cheers.
This really tells us nothing :p
Cool, I never try to get attention, or try to make myself known to the whole website, and just because you two dont know me dosent mean I am a nobody, saying your the best is too cocky but hey you believe what you want, this thread was just for people that wanted to apply to an organized town in t9k minecraft survival. I took the comments rudely and sence you have a big ego that makes it seem bad too. If your legit just being yourself and not trying to be a jerk I'll respect your character. No hard feelings. Cheers.
Yeah, Vorsprung has a huge ego x) Mostly he's playing though.
I ignored him...

You should try it some time..
Your armpit tastes like toast
Also you're a joke of a parasite who deserves to die in a pit of eternal despair
I love the ignore function
Yeah, Vorsprung has a huge ego x) Mostly he's playing though.
Indeed, let's foreskinrub
Cool, I never try to get attention, or try to make myself known to the whole website, and just because you two dont know me dosent mean I am a nobody, saying your the best is too cocky but hey you believe what you want, this thread was just for people that wanted to apply to an organized town in t9k minecraft survival. I took the comments rudely and sence you have a big ego that makes it seem bad too. If your legit just being yourself and not trying to be a jerk I'll respect your character. No hard feelings. Cheers.
Can I join your town
Promise no virus
He isn't acting, that is how he is. You will learn to get used to him.

Also, these comments about "who even are you?" are because these members have been around for a long time and seeing someone posting a town application thread who isn't very well known can be quite a shock. We've had some pretty flimsy towns in the past so some people tend to ask questions before seeing results.

I for one have never heard of you either, but you seem nice.


This really tells us nothing :p
thanks for the info! xD I've been around, for around 1 year so far, joined t9k on Feb 10, 2011. I usualy only play the t9k minecraft survival server. I've never asked for a promotion on Classic, when I do build its for fun and other people to see. nice to meet you Thee_pro! =)
what kinda question is that lmao, just click my profile page. I took it as if you meant it to be rude my apologies if you were being serious but its that simple, just like my profile page and I'm obviously a t9k member. Cheers.
I was just being a dick dude haha don't think much of it, you seem like a pretty sick dude tbh it's just that i'm too used to absolute random people coming out of nowhere and doing big things and it's like where did you even come from! but yeah nah i love ooz and shit so i guess you're an actual person.
Ohhai ;)