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Oxytown Rennovation

Are you an active resident of Oxytown?

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I like the idea of placing signs in front of everyone's home in Oxytown and giving them 2weeks or so to reply on the sign. If the user replies they wish to keep the home, then they can keep it, if there is no reply, the lot is forfeit and we can give it to someone else who would like someplace else to build besides The Outlands or Minetopia. We could even (if possible) claim imminent domain on a large property, and turn it into a storage facility for users whenever (if ever) The Outlands gets wiped.
I like the idea of placing signs in front of everyone's home in Oxytown and giving them 2weeks or so to reply on the sign. If the user replies they wish to keep the home, then they can keep it, if there is no reply, the lot is forfeit and we can give it to someone else who would like someplace else to build besides The Outlands or Minetopia. We could even (if possible) claim imminent domain on a large property, and turn it into a storage facility for users whenever (if ever) The Outlands gets wiped.

I'm glad oxytown is locked for new applicants ... it lasts more than month and my woolen floor is still not griefed !! Idea with signs is nice, but some abandoned buildings are nice part of city . .

But for example chipps house, which is nearby me and cut in half, because boundary of city was moved probably .. it looks wierd.
Some of the buildings are really unique and awesome to look at and even explore. The reason for my proposal is to help delay the introduction of new cities when it may not be entirely necessary. When Eagle Pass came to be, there was a huge migration of players from Oxytown to Eagle Pass, I'm willing to bet something similar will happen with Elm Creek. I haven't checked, but I'm curious to see how many EP residents have submitted applications for Elm Creek when it's not even on the server, yet. I think Oxytown needs an injection of new inhabitants to help replace old residents before we generate a new town.
Im pretty sure the idea of oxytown's whitelist is to keep is to keep it relatively exclusive to the people who were here to build when the server started runnning 1.1... or 1.2.... or 1.3... or whenever the server went up agian, idr idk idc.
Im pretty sure the idea of oxytown's whitelist is to keep is to keep it relatively exclusive to the people who were here to build when the server started runnning 1.1... or 1.2.... or 1.3... or whenever the server went up agian, idr idk idc.
Yeah but how many of those people are actually active residents in OxyTown?

I'm probably one of the top 3 most active residents, if not the most active one (by that I mean my house actually serves a purpose and I spend a large amount of time in the city). Are there honestly more than 10 active residents in the city? I kinda doubt it, though I'm not on 24/7, so I can't be sure; however I can only personally think of two, and one is kind of iffy. It would be nice to see some of the natural openness of the city returned to it. Make it more of a country home idea, instead of a formerly-bustling-but-now-ghost-town thingamajig. Maybe keep major structures like the Tank and Longcat Hotel, but get rid of smaller, deserted, non-landmark builds? I'm sure we can round up most of the players that have homes, via one method or another, and get permission to demolish, or perhaps have them modified (or at least used?).

To start this process the upper levels of the largely-unused Vault will begin being demolished within a week. The owners of the chests in the lower levels will be notified, and any unlocked ones will have contents moved to an underground location nearby (if not directly underneath), locked in the owner's name. Once 7 days have passed, a request will be sent to the admins to have the remaining locked chests unlocked in order to facilitate the movement of their contents; barring that, the request will entail deletion of the chests. Whether the response from the admins is conducive to those plans, the remainder of the structure will be demolished, and the land terraformed as closely as possible to an unaltered landscape, including replanting of trees. Plans for the remaining chests will be made at that time, if applicable.

Known abandoned homes will have their former owners contacted as soon as possible to discuss reclaim/removal possibilities, in order to continue the reclamation process.
Me and Gurw are probably the only active members of oxytown left. There are so many buildings that says: coming soon blah blah blah... Or [insert inactive members name here]'s house or hotel or what not. If you ask me, the whole freaking 200x200 area around the portal can be wiped out and no one would get their feelings hurt. I kind of wish that would happen so that way we could bring it back. On the other hand I like the fact that there is no one that would ever grief me or steal from me since there are only a handful of players with Ozy permits that still play...
You know, I know of konflakes, clayton, kilmannan, and magicfordummies. I don't see anybody except clayton and I on a regular basis, but I've seen limited progress on structures. Once again, I obviously am not on all the time and so can't say for sure, but I'll be beginning the renovation project.
If its so inactive why rennovate. For the entertainment of like maybe 6 people? Nah, I don't see a particular need to do any major rennovations for Oxytown. But by all means if you want to rennovate it go ahead =/
You know, I know of konflakes, clayton, kilmannan, and magicfordummies. I don't see anybody except clayton and I on a regular basis, but I've seen limited progress on structures. Once again, I obviously am not on all the time and so can't say for sure, but I'll be beginning the renovation project.

Dont forget me... I still use my house quite often in tower bay, and actually just started renovating the inside... Although I do love the fact that my stuff isnt messed with... My OCD drives me crazy when I see half finished buildings. I would like to volunteer if yall ever need any help with a remodel of Oxytown... I have lived there since we built the first bunk house and would like to see Oxytown live on...
We've started removing the Vault, and one building has already been demolished. We also have two more on the list, and one possibility, just waiting for confirmation.
I'm pretty sure you are wrong....seeing as there is still plenty of space. We're just clearing out the central mess that is downtown Ozy