Particles Out Running The Speed Of Light


Well-Known Member

Even though it hasn't been comfirmed by any credible sources yet or it could just be a miscalculation it would mean that Physicists/scientists calculating things around Einstein's theory revolving around physics would be partly incorrect (maybe).

Personally, I just think it's a miscalculation on the Scientists/Physicits part, though considering cern and the antimatter situation its highly likely to be true.
Im starting to believe my history teachers theory of dec 21st 2012 theory after reading that.
He thinks something will happen that wont destroy the world or anything but will be something so big it will change the way we live.
He thinks on that day scientists discover a way to teleport.
Think about it. If we had the ability to teleport from 1 spot to the next. We would not need cars/boats/planes/any sort of transportation. That also means we wont need (as much) oil, fuel, or fossil fuels, Or any type of fuel source or nonrenewable resource...

But yea that's his theory and (kinda) my theory of agreeing with him(sorta):P
I wouldn't go so far as to say the physicists are wrong, especially since they are scientists from CERN. From what they can gather, there were no anomalies from the tests, but they can't come right out and say that they have, in fact, found particles that move faster than light. Other tests have to be done following the same criteria in order to see if the same results will occur or not. I'm pretty stoked about this potential discovery and am fairly certain this if the real deal.

@rsmv: Teleportation I don't think is the big event that would happen in 2012. I'm willing to bet it'll be a revolution in energy, rather than the method of travel. Some scientists believe they are a matter of years away from creating fusion, which would revolutionize power consumption. It could possibly be a new discovery in creating some highly-advanced material, such as nano-carbon material, which has tremendous tinsel strength and is incredibly light. That could potentially make for stronger vessels to go into space, or even the Space Elevator.

We're on the cusp of some very major and awesome discoveries, regardless of whether we've really found something that travels faster than light. I really think within most of our lifetimes, the world will have seen at least two technological advancements as great as the steam engine was.
I wouldn't go so far as to say the physicists are wrong, especially since they are scientists from CERN. From what they can gather, there were no anomalies from the tests, but they can't come right out and say that they have, in fact, found particles that move faster than light. Other tests have to be done following the same criteria in order to see if the same results will occur or not. I'm pretty stoked about this potential discovery and am fairly certain this if the real deal.

Is the result of the scientists doing this the product of our technology being able to do and record this or has physics always been able to go faster or is Einstein wrong and the speed of light is faster because of the technology that they had at the time and up "until" now were we able to record something faster then the speed of light. Because how do we know 186,282 miles per second was the fastest anything could be recorded or how fast we could record stuff up until now? (if my logic is flawed and doesn't make sense respond to this with the picture of a cute puppy, if it has logic that is sound respond with logic that is sound. ) :P

Even though it hasn't been comfirmed by any credible sources yet or it could just be a miscalculation it would mean that Physicists/scientists calculating things around Einstein's theory revolving around physics would be :oops:.

Personally, I just think it's a miscalculation on the Scientists/Physicits part.


Also this is an epic thread.

The physics in these fields is so far beyond our personal understanding that we could, at best, grasp it by layman's terms. But here's some cool stuff for starters:

Cherenkov Radiation - radiation given off when a particle exceeds the speed of light through a medium.

Article on quantum teleportation - basically cloning a photon's quantum numbers onto another distant photon. Huge ramifications in telecommunications. (Imagine 0 ms ping for all!)

With regards to actual teleportation, I think the energy requirements of that are just impractical, sorta like how we can now create gold from lead by nuclear fission, but the energy invested into the action costs significantly more than the gold that can be produced.
Bet that picture was made 5 minutes ago.
With regards to actual teleportation, I think the energy requirements of that are just impractical, sorta like how we can now create gold from lead by nuclear fission, but the energy invested into the action costs significantly more than the gold that can be produced.
So what your saying is we would gain less then what we've already done to go faster then the speed of light? :maybetrollface:
Is the result of the scientists doing this the product of our technology being able to do and record this or has physics always been able to go faster or is Einstein wrong and the speed of light is faster because of the technology that they had at the time and up "until" now were we able to record something faster then the speed of light. Because how do we know 186,282 miles per second was the fastest anything could be recorded or how fast we could record stuff up until now? (if my logic is flawed and doesn't make sense respond to this with the picture of a cute puppy, if it has logic that is sound respond with logic that is sound. ) :P

Uhh...I think I can make sense what you're saying. Just in case, here's a picture of a scientist doggy:


Einstein's theory of Special Relativity stated that the faster you move through space, the more energy it would require. As you approached the speed of light, the amount of energy ANY object would need to travel the speed of light would be near infinite, since the inertia of said object would also increase. Thus the famous formula E=mc2. With this potential discovery, there is matter than can move faster than light, thus making the possibility for faster-than-light travel (maybe even time travel) conceivable, and debunking Einstein's theory.
Bet that picture was made 5 minutes ago.

So what your saying is we would gain less then what we've already done to go faster then the speed of light? :maybetrollface:

You got it. :thumbsup:

But this is specifically regarding teleportation by converting an object into energy, intercepting that energy, and then reconstituting that energy into matter at a distant location.

Wormholes (mini-black holes) are another possible means... or dare I say, portals?

*braces for Portal-related images spam*
Uhh...I think I can make sense what you're saying. Just in case, here's a picture of a scientist doggy:


Einstein's theory of Special Relativity stated that the faster you move through space, the more energy it would require. As you approached the speed of light, the amount of energy ANY object would need to travel the speed of light would be near infinite, since the inertia of said object would also increase. Thus the famous formula E=mc2. With this potential discovery, there is matter than can move faster than light, thus making the possibility for faster-than-light travel (maybe even time travel) conceivable, and debunking Einstein's theory.

Oh look... a lab mah lab.

Also this is an epic thread.

The physics in these fields is so far beyond our personal understanding that we could, at best, grasp it by layman's terms. But here's some cool stuff for starters:

Cherenkov Radiation - radiation given off when a particle exceeds the speed of light through a medium.

Article on quantum teleportation - basically cloning a photon's quantum numbers onto another distant photon. Huge ramifications in telecommunications. (Imagine 0 ms ping for all!)

With regards to actual teleportation, I think the energy requirements of that are just impractical, sorta like how we can now create gold from lead by nuclear fission, but the energy invested into the action costs significantly more than the gold that can be produced.

From my understanding from theoretical physicists, teleportation may be possible, however there is no way to delete the original object once it is teleported. The idea of breaking down an object, molecule by molecule and then reassembling the object in another location is simply not feasible. Basically, we'd make copies of objects, rather than disassembling and reassembling them from place to place.
From my understanding from theoretical physicists, teleportation may be possible, however there is no way to delete the original object once it is teleported. The idea of breaking down an object, molecule by molecule and then reassembling the object in another location is simply not feasible. Basically, we'd make copies of objects, rather than disassembling and reassembling them from place to place.

So there'd be two of me? Dang it, gotta get the shotgun now.
Im starting to believe my history teachers theory of dec 21st 2012 theory after reading that.
He thinks something will happen that wont destroy the world or anything but will be something so big it will change the way we live.
He thinks on that day scientists discover a way to teleport.
Think about it. If we had the ability to teleport from 1 spot to the next. We would not need cars/boats/planes/any sort of transportation. That also means we wont need (as much) oil, fuel, or fossil fuels, Or any type of fuel source or nonrenewable resource...

But yea that's his theory and (kinda) my theory of agreeing with him(sorta):P
What the hell are they teaching you in school? Your teachers shouldn't be feeding speculative BS in the classroom. December 21st 2012 is just the date that the ridiculously old Mayan calendar ended. Someone just didn't feel the need to make a calendar which went further than a few thousand years into the future.

Honestly, a mayan calendar would have been a great deal like a hundred years ago. Instead of buying a new one every year, you can just keep reusing the same old one.
From my understanding from theoretical physicists, teleportation may be possible, however there is no way to delete the original object once it is teleported. The idea of breaking down an object, molecule by molecule and then reassembling the object in another location is simply not feasible. Basically, we'd make copies of objects, rather than disassembling and reassembling them from place to place.
How so?
What the hell are they teaching you in school? Your teachers shouldn't be feeding speculative BS in the classroom. December 21st 2012 is just the date that the ridiculously old Mayan calendar ended. Someone just didn't feel the need to make a calendar which went further than a few thousand years into the future.

Honestly, a mayan calendar would have been a great deal like a hundred years ago. Instead of buying a new one every year, you can just keep reusing the same old one.



Mayans, the world's oldest trolls
What the hell are they teaching you in school? Your teachers shouldn't be feeding speculative BS in the classroom..
He told me once and you don't know my teacher, so don't talk shit about him :P.....Just realized your the most judgmental person of all time. xD
Also, something on/off topic on the mayan calender. Ever wonder how many idiots are gonna commit suicide because of 2012? :P
He told me once and you don't know my teacher, so don't talk shit about him :P.....Just realized your the most judgmental person of all time. xD
Also, something on/off topic on the mayan calender. Ever wonder how many idiots are gonna commit suicide because of 2012? :P

It's going to be 2000 again.
He told me once and you don't know my teacher, so don't talk shit about him :P.....Just realized your the most judgmental person of all time. xD
Also, something on/off topic on the mayan calender. Ever wonder how many idiots are gonna commit suicide because of 2012? :P

Because they wanna get to Heaven before the big rush?
Like oozinator said, the amount of energy required, as well as the massive amount of computing power that would be needed is probably not even yet conceived. Think of it as you would need to upload yourself to a computer, then have yourself downloaded to another location.
Like oozinator said, the amount of energy required, as well as the massive amount of computing power that would be needed is probably not even yet conceived. Think of it as you would need to upload yourself to a computer, then have yourself downloaded to another location.
That would have to scan every atom in your body. And everything in the atom. I feel 1 atom would be = to = 1 tb. :P